Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 79.11 - State Land Sales.
79.11.310 - Sale of lands with low-income potential.

RCW 79.11.310
Sale of lands with low-income potential.

(1) The purpose of this section is to provide revenues to the state and its various taxing districts through the sale of public lands which are currently used primarily for grazing and similar low priority purposes, by enabling their development as irrigated agricultural lands.
(2) All applications for the purchase of lands of the foregoing character, when accompanied by a proposed plan of development of the lands for a higher priority use, shall be individually reviewed by the board. The board shall thereupon determine whether the sale of the lands is in the public interest and upon an affirmative finding shall offer such lands for sale. However, any such parcel of land shall be sold to the highest bidder but only at a bid equal to or higher than the last appraised valuation thereof as established by appraisers for the department for any such parcel of land. Further, any lands lying within United States reclamation areas, the sale price of which is limited or otherwise regulated pursuant to federal reclamation laws or regulations thereunder, need not be offered for sale so long as such limitations or regulations are applicable thereto.
(3) The department shall adopt appropriate rules defining properties of such irrigated agricultural potential and shall take into account the economic benefits to the locality in classifying such properties for sale.

[ 2003 c 334 § 381; 1967 ex.s. c 78 § 5. Formerly RCW 79.01.301.]

Intent—2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 79 - Public Lands

Chapter 79.11 - State Land Sales.

79.11.005 - Sale of administrative sites.

79.11.010 - Maximum and minimum acreage subject to sale—Exception—Approval by legislature or regents.

79.11.020 - Powers/duties of department.

79.11.030 - Terms of sale.

79.11.040 - Who may purchase—Application—Fees.

79.11.060 - Entire section may be inspected.

79.11.070 - Survey to determine area subject to sale.

79.11.080 - Inspection and appraisal.

79.11.090 - Sales by public auction—Appraised value.

79.11.100 - Date of sale limited by time of appraisal—Purchasers required to make independent appraisals.

79.11.110 - Separate appraisal of improvements.

79.11.120 - Sale procedure—Fixing date, place, and time of sale.

79.11.130 - Notice—Pamphlet—List of lands to be sold—Certain valuable materials exempt.

79.11.135 - Notification requirements.

79.11.140 - Additional advertising.

79.11.150 - Conduct of sales.

79.11.160 - Deposit by purchaser to cover value of improvements.

79.11.165 - Reoffer.

79.11.175 - Confirmation of sale.

79.11.190 - Readvertisement of lands not sold.

79.11.200 - Form of contract—Rate of interest.

79.11.210 - Reservation in contract.

79.11.220 - Relinquishment to United States, in certain cases of reserved mineral rights.

79.11.250 - Lands subject to platting.

79.11.260 - Vacation—Vested rights.

79.11.270 - Vacation—Preference right to purchase.

79.11.290 - Leased lands reserved from sale.

79.11.310 - Sale of lands with low-income potential.

79.11.320 - Assessments added to purchase price.

79.11.340 - Sale of acquired lands.