Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 79.105 - Aquatic Lands—General.
79.105.240 - Determination of annual rent rates for lease of aquatic lands for water-dependent uses.

RCW 79.105.240
Determination of annual rent rates for lease of aquatic lands for water-dependent uses.

Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, annual rent rates for the lease of state-owned aquatic lands for water-dependent uses shall be determined as follows:
(1)(a) The assessed land value, exclusive of improvements, as determined by the county assessor, of the upland tax parcel used in conjunction with the leased area or, if there are no such uplands, of the nearest upland tax parcel used for water-dependent purposes divided by the parcel area equals the upland value.
(b) The upland value times the area of leased aquatic lands times thirty percent equals the aquatic land value.
(2) As of July 1, 1989, and each July 1st thereafter, the department shall determine the real capitalization rate to be applied to water-dependent aquatic land leases commencing or being adjusted under subsection (3)(a) of this section in that fiscal year. The real capitalization rate shall be the real rate of return, except that until June 30, 1989, the real capitalization rate shall be five percent and thereafter it shall not change by more than one percentage point in any one year or be more than seven percent or less than three percent.
(3) The annual rent shall be:
(a) Determined initially, and redetermined every four years or as otherwise provided in the lease, by multiplying the aquatic land value times the real capitalization rate; and
(b) Adjusted by the inflation rate each year in which the rent is not determined under (a) of this subsection.
(4) If the upland parcel used in conjunction with the leased area is not assessed or has an assessed value inconsistent with the purposes of the lease, the nearest comparable upland parcel used for similar purposes shall be substituted and the lease payment determined in the same manner as provided in this section.
(5) For the purposes of this section, "upland tax parcel" is a tax parcel, some portion of which has upland characteristics. Filled tidelands or shorelands with upland characteristics which abut state-owned aquatic land shall be considered as uplands in determining aquatic land values.
(6) The annual rent for filled state-owned aquatic lands that have the characteristics of uplands shall be determined in accordance with RCW 79.105.270 in those cases in which the state owns the fill and has a right to charge for the fill.
(7) For all new leases for other water-dependent uses, issued after December 31, 1997, the initial annual water-dependent rent shall be determined by the methods in subsections (1) through (6) of this section.

[ 2005 c 155 § 147; 2003 c 310 § 1; 1998 c 185 § 2; 1984 c 221 § 7. Formerly RCW 79.90.480.]

Effective date—2003 c 310: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [May 14, 2003]." [ 2003 c 310 § 2.]

Findings—Report—1998 c 185: "(1) The legislature finds that the current method for determining water-dependent rental rates for aquatic land leases may not be achieving the management goals in RCW 79.90.455. The current method for setting rental rates, as well as alternatives to the current methods, should be evaluated in light of achieving management goals for aquatic lands leases. The legislature further finds that there should be no further increases in water-dependent rental rates for marina leases before the completion of this evaluation.
(2) The department of natural resources shall study and prepare a report to the legislature on alternatives to the current method for determination of water-dependent rent set forth in RCW 79.90.480. The report shall be prepared with the assistance of appropriate outside economic expertise and stakeholder involvement. Affected stakeholders shall participate with the department by providing information necessary to complete this study. For each alternative, the report shall:
(a) Describe each method and the costs and benefits of each;
(b) Compare each with the current method of calculating rents;
(c) Provide the private industry perspective;
(d) Describe the public perspective;
(e) Analyze the impact on state lease revenue;
(f) Evaluate the impacts of water-dependent rates on economic development in economically distressed counties; and
(g) Evaluate the ease of administration.
(3) The report shall be presented to the legislature by November 1, 1998, with the recommendations of the department clearly identified. The department's recommendations shall include draft legislation as necessary for implementation of its recommendations." [ 1998 c 185 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 79 - Public Lands

Chapter 79.105 - Aquatic Lands—General.

79.105.001 - Intent—2005 c 155.

79.105.010 - Aquatic lands—Findings.

79.105.020 - Purpose—Articulation of management philosophy.

79.105.030 - Aquatic lands—Management guidelines.

79.105.040 - Application to existing property rights—Application of shoreline management act.

79.105.050 - Fostering use of aquatic environment—Limitation.

79.105.060 - Definitions.

79.105.100 - Sale and lease of state-owned aquatic lands—Blank forms of applications.

79.105.110 - Who may purchase or lease—Application—Fees.

79.105.120 - Survey to determine areas subject to sale or lease.

79.105.130 - Reconsideration of official acts.

79.105.140 - Assignment of contracts or leases.

79.105.150 - Deposit, use of proceeds from sale or lease of aquatic lands or valuable materials therefrom—Aquatic lands enhancement project grant requirements—Aquatic lands enhancement account.

79.105.160 - Aquatic lands—Court review of actions.

79.105.170 - Nonnative finfish aquaculture—Department may not allow as an authorized use under any new lease or use authorization.

79.105.200 - Use and occupancy fee in lieu of lease—Construction of section.

79.105.210 - Aquatic lands—Preservation and enhancement of water-dependent uses—Leasing authority.

79.105.220 - Lease of tidelands in front of public parks.

79.105.230 - Use for public parks or public recreation purposes.

79.105.240 - Determination of annual rent rates for lease of aquatic lands for water-dependent uses.

79.105.250 - Log storage rents.

79.105.260 - Rent for leases in effect October 1, 1984.

79.105.270 - Aquatic lands—Leases/rents for nonwater-dependent uses.

79.105.280 - Rents and fees for recovery of mineral or geothermal resources.

79.105.290 - Aquatic lands—Rents for multiple uses.

79.105.300 - Aquatic lands—Lease for water-dependent use—Rental for nonwater-dependent use.

79.105.310 - Aquatic lands—Rent for improvements.

79.105.320 - Aquatic lands—Administrative review of proposed rent.

79.105.330 - Aquatic lands—Security for leases for more than one year.

79.105.340 - Aquatic lands—Payment of rent.

79.105.350 - Aquatic lands—Interest rate.

79.105.360 - Adoption of rules.

79.105.400 - Authority to exchange state-owned tidelands and shorelands—Rules—Limitation.

79.105.410 - Gifts of aquatic land—Procedures and criteria.

79.105.420 - Management of certain aquatic lands by port district—Agreement—Rent—Model management agreement.

79.105.430 - Private recreational docks—Mooring buoys.

79.105.500 - Aquatic land dredged material disposal sites—Findings.

79.105.510 - Aquatic land dredged material disposal site account.

79.105.520 - Fees for use of aquatic land dredged material disposal sites authorized.

79.105.600 - Archaeological activities on state-owned aquatic lands—Agreements, leases, or other conveyances.

79.105.610 - Puget Sound partners.

79.105.620 - City use of state-owned aquatic lands for publicly owned marina—Reduced fee lease—Expiration date.

79.105.630 - Administering funds—Preference to an evergreen community.

79.105.902 - Effective date—1984 c 221.