Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 79.10 - Land Management Authorities and Policies.
79.10.090 - Economic analysis of state lands held in trust—Scope—Use.

RCW 79.10.090
Economic analysis of state lands held in trust—Scope—Use.

Periodically at intervals to be determined by the board, the department shall cause an economic analysis to be made of those state lands held in trust, where the nature of the trust makes maximization of the economic return to the beneficiaries of income from state lands the prime objective. The analysis shall be by specific tracts, or where such tracts are of similar economic characteristics, by groupings of such tracts.
The most recently made analysis shall be considered by the department in making decisions as to whether to sell or lease state lands, standing timber or crops thereon, or minerals therein, including but not limited to oil and gas and other hydrocarbons, rocks, gravel, and sand.
The economic analysis shall include, but shall not be limited to the following criteria: (1) Present and potential sale value; (2) present and probable future returns on the investment of permanent state funds; (3) probable future inflationary or deflationary trends; (4) present and probable future income from leases or the sale of land products; and (5) present and probable future tax income derivable therefrom specifically including additional state, local, and other tax revenues from potential private development of land currently used primarily for grazing and other similar low priority use; such private development would include, but not be limited to, development as irrigated agricultural land.

[ 2003 c 334 § 320; 1969 ex.s. c 131 § 1. Formerly RCW 79.01.095.]

Intent—2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 79 - Public Lands

Chapter 79.10 - Land Management Authorities and Policies.

79.10.010 - Reports.

79.10.020 - Department authority to accept land.

79.10.030 - Management of acquired lands—Land acquired by escheat suitable for park purposes.

79.10.040 - Gifts of land for offices.

79.10.050 - Gifts of county or city land for offices, warehouses, etc.—Use of lands authorized.

79.10.060 - Compliance with local ordinances, when.

79.10.070 - Management of public lands within watershed area providing water supply for city or town—Lake Whatcom municipal watershed pilot project—Report—Exclusive method of condemnation by city or town for watershed purposes.

79.10.080 - Classification of land after timber removed.

79.10.090 - Economic analysis of state lands held in trust—Scope—Use.

79.10.100 - Concept to be utilized, when.

79.10.110 - "Multiple use" defined.

79.10.120 - Multiple uses compatible with financial obligations of trust management—Other uses permitted, when.

79.10.125 - Land open to public for fishing, hunting, and nonconsumptive wildlife activities.

79.10.130 - Scope of department's authorized activities.

79.10.140 - Outdoor recreation—Construction, operation, and maintenance of primitive facilities—Right-of-way and public access—Use of state and federal outdoor recreation funds.

79.10.200 - Multiple use land resource allocation plan—Adoption—Factors considered.

79.10.210 - Public lands identified and withdrawn.

79.10.220 - Conferring with other agencies.

79.10.240 - Department's existing authority and powers preserved.

79.10.250 - Existing withdrawals for state park and state game purposes preserved.

79.10.280 - Land use data bank—Contents, source.

79.10.300 - Definitions.

79.10.310 - "Sustained yield plans" defined.

79.10.320 - Sustainable harvest program.

79.10.330 - Arrearages—End of decade.

79.10.340 - Sustainable harvest sale.

79.10.400 - Cooperative agreements.

79.10.410 - Cooperative units.

79.10.420 - Limitations on agreements.

79.10.430 - Easements—Life of agreements.

79.10.440 - Sale agreements.

79.10.450 - Minimum price.

79.10.460 - Contracts—Requirements.

79.10.470 - Transfer or assignment of contracts.

79.10.480 - Performance bond—Cash deposit.

79.10.500 - Recreational trail policy—Development.

79.10.510 - Recreational facilities and trails—Local government permits.

79.10.520 - Prioritizing investments on forest health treatments.

79.10.530 - Identification of lands for forest health treatment—Prioritized list—Report to the legislature.