Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 78.56 - Metals Mining and Milling Operations.
78.56.090 - Initial waste discharge permits for tailings facilities—Siting criteria—Primary screening process—Technical site investigation—Site selection report.

RCW 78.56.090
Initial waste discharge permits for tailings facilities—Siting criteria—Primary screening process—Technical site investigation—Site selection report.

(1) In the processing of an application for an initial waste discharge permit for a tailings facility pursuant to the requirements of chapter 90.48 RCW, the department of ecology shall consider site-specific criteria in determining a preferred location of tailings facilities of metals mining and milling operations and incorporate the requirements of all known available and reasonable methods in order to maintain the highest possible standards to insure the purity of all waters of the state in accordance with the public policy identified by RCW 90.48.010.
In implementing the siting criteria, the department shall take into account the objectives of the proponent's application relating to mining and milling operations. These objectives shall consist of, but not be limited to (a) operational feasibility, (b) compatibility with optimum tailings placement methods, (c) adequate volume capacity, (d) availability of construction materials, and (e) an optimized embankment volume.
(2) To meet the mandate of subsection (1) of this section, siting of tailings facilities shall be accomplished through a two-stage process that consists of a primary alternatives screening phase, and a secondary technical site investigation phase.
(3) The primary screening phase will consist of, but not be limited to, siting criteria based on considerations as to location as follows:
(a) Proximity to the one hundred year floodplain, as indicated in the most recent federal emergency management agency maps;
(b) Proximity to surface and ground water;
(c) Topographic setting;
(d) Identifiable adverse geologic conditions, such as landslides and active faults; and
(e) Visibility impacts of the public generally and residents more particularly.
(4) The department of ecology, through the primary screening process, shall reduce the available tailings facility sites to one or more feasible locations whereupon a technical site investigation phase shall be conducted by the department for the purpose of verifying the adequacy of the remaining potential sites. The technical site investigations phase shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Soil characteristics;
(b) Hydrologic characteristics;
(c) A local and structural geology evaluation, including seismic conditions and related geotechnical investigations;
(d) A surface water control analysis; and
(e) A slope stability analysis.
(5) Upon completion of the two phase evaluation process set forth in this section, the department of ecology shall issue a site selection report on the preferred location. This report shall address the above criteria as well as analyze the feasibility of reclamation and stabilization of the tailings facility. The siting report may recommend mitigation or engineering factors to address siting concerns. The report shall be developed in conjunction with the preparation of and contained in an environmental impact statement prepared pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW. The report may be utilized by the department of ecology for the purpose of providing information related to the suitability of the site and for ruling on an application for a waste discharge permit.
(6) The department of ecology may, at its discretion, require the applicant to provide the information required in either phase one or phase two as described in subsections (3) and (4) of this section.

[ 1994 c 232 § 9.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 78 - Mines, Minerals, and Petroleum

Chapter 78.56 - Metals Mining and Milling Operations.

78.56.010 - Intent.

78.56.020 - Definitions.

78.56.030 - Operations subject to this chapter and other requirements.

78.56.040 - Disclosures required with state environmental policy act checklist—Public inspection of information.

78.56.050 - Environmental impact statement required—Mitigation measures to be part of permit requirements—Department of ecology to cooperate with affected local governments.

78.56.060 - Metals mining coordinator to be appointed—Duties.

78.56.070 - Quarterly inspections by responsible state agencies required—Cross-training and coordination of inspections encouraged.

78.56.080 - Estimate of costs by department of ecology and department of natural resources—Fee on operations to be established by department of ecology.

78.56.090 - Initial waste discharge permits for tailings facilities—Siting criteria—Primary screening process—Technical site investigation—Site selection report.

78.56.100 - Waste discharge permits for metals mining and milling operations tailing facilities—Pollution control standards—Waste rock management plan—Citizen observation and verification of water samples—Voluntary reduction plan—Application of this...

78.56.110 - Performance security required—Conditions—Department of ecology authority to adopt requirements—Liability under performance security.

78.56.120 - Remediation or mitigation by department of ecology—Order to submit performance security.

78.56.130 - Legislative finding—Impact analysis required for large-scale operations—Impact fees by county legislative authority—Application of this section—Application of chapter 82.02 RCW.

78.56.140 - Citizen action suits.

78.56.150 - Application of requirements to milling facilities not adjacent to mining operation.

78.56.160 - Moratorium on use of heap leach extraction process—Joint review by department of ecology and department of natural resources—Permanent prohibition of in situ extraction.

78.56.901 - Effective date—1994 c 232 §§ 1-5, 9-17, and 23-29.

78.56.902 - Effective date—1994 c 232 §§ 6-8 and 18-22.