Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.135 - Invasive Species.
77.135.080 - Implementation of department's duties—Department is lead agency—Notice.

RCW 77.135.080
Implementation of department's duties—Department is lead agency—Notice.

(1) To the extent possible, the department's quarantine declarations under RCW 77.135.050, rapid response management actions under RCW 77.135.060, and infested site management actions under RCW 77.135.070 must be implemented in a manner best suited to contain, control, and eradicate prohibited level 1 and level 2 species while protecting human safety, minimizing adverse environmental impacts to a water body or property, and minimizing adverse economic impacts to owners of an affected water body or property.
(2) The department is the lead agency for quarantine declarations, rapid response, and infested site management actions. Where the infested water body is subject to tribal, federal, or other sovereign jurisdiction, the department:
(a) Must consult with appropriate federal agencies, tribal governments, other states, and Canadian government entities to develop and implement coordinated management actions on affected water bodies under shared jurisdiction;
(b) May assist in infested site management actions where these actions may prevent the spread of prohibited species into state water bodies; and
(c) May assist other states and Canadian government entities, in the Columbia river basin, in management actions on affected water bodies outside of the state where these actions may prevent the spread of the species into state water bodies.
(3)(a) The department must provide notice of quarantine declarations, rapid response, and infested site management actions to owners of an affected water body or property. Notice may be provided by any reasonable means, such as in person, by United States postal service, by publication in a local newspaper, by electronic publication including social media or postings on the department's public website, or by posting signs at the water body.
(b) The department must provide updates to owners of an affected water body or property based on management action type as follows:
(i) Every seven days for a rapid response management action and, if applicable, a quarantine declaration implemented in conjunction with a rapid response management action;
(ii) Every six months for a separate quarantine declaration;
(iii) Annually for the duration of an infested site management action and, if applicable, a quarantine declaration implemented in conjunction with an infested site management action; and
(iv) A final update at the conclusion of any management action.
(c) In addition to owners of an affected water body or property, the department must provide notice of a quarantine declaration to members of the public by any reasonable means for an area subject to a quarantine declaration, such as by publication in a local newspaper, by electronic publication including social media or postings on the department's public website, or by posting signs at the water body. The department must provide updates at reasonable intervals and a final update at the conclusion of the quarantine declaration.
(4) The department must publicly list those water bodies or portions of water bodies in which a prohibited level 1 or level 2 species has been detected. The department may list those areas in which a prohibited level 3 species has been detected.
(5) When posting signs at a water body or property where a prohibited species has been detected, the department must consult with owners of the affected water body or property regarding placement of those signs.

[ 2014 c 202 § 110.]

Findings—2014 c 202: See note following RCW 77.135.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.135 - Invasive Species.

77.135.010 - Definitions.

77.135.020 - Department is lead agency for managing invasive species—Responsibilities—Limitation of chapter.

77.135.030 - Classification of species—Rules.

77.135.040 - Prohibited and regulated species—Required authorization.

77.135.050 - Department-declared quarantine.

77.135.060 - Rapid response management actions.

77.135.070 - Infested site management actions.

77.135.080 - Implementation of department's duties—Department is lead agency—Notice.

77.135.090 - Emergency measures.

77.135.100 - Aquatic conveyance—Certificate of inspection—Adoption of rules.

77.135.110 - Aquatic conveyance—Clean and drain requirements—Enforcement—Adoption of rules.

77.135.120 - Mandatory check stations.

77.135.130 - Decontamination order.

77.135.140 - Person aggrieved or adversely affected by department's action—Hearing.

77.135.150 - Aquatic conveyance inspection and decontamination stations—Adoption of rules.

77.135.160 - Department-authorized representatives—Adoption of rules—Fee schedule.

77.135.170 - Department's authority to enter upon property/water body—Notification—Application, issuance of warrant.

77.135.180 - Chapter must be liberally construed.

77.135.200 - Aquatic invasive species management account.

77.135.210 - Aquatic invasive species prevention permit—Operators of vessels and aquatic conveyances.

77.135.220 - Aquatic invasive species prevention permits—Commercial transporters and aquatic conveyances.

77.135.230 - Aquatic invasive species prevention permit—Fee—Exempt vessels.

77.135.240 - Aquatic invasive species local management grant program.