Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.12 - Powers and Duties.
77.12.467 - Wildlife rehabilitation program—Requirements to receive funding—Reports accounting for all expenditures of state funds—Permitted expenditures—Adoption of rules.

RCW 77.12.467
Wildlife rehabilitation program—Requirements to receive funding—Reports accounting for all expenditures of state funds—Permitted expenditures—Adoption of rules.

(1) The director shall establish a wildlife rehabilitation program to help support the critical role licensed wildlife rehabilitators play in protecting the public by capturing, testing for disease, and caring for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife in Washington state. The director shall contract for wildlife rehabilitation services with up to four people in each of the department's six administrative regions. Applicants may submit only one request every two years and must reside in the administrative region for which they have applied. The contracts must be for a term of two years.
(2) In order to receive funding, the wildlife rehabilitator must: (a) Be properly licensed in wildlife rehabilitation under state and federal law; and (b) furnish information concerning his or her identity, including fingerprints for submission to the Washington state patrol to include a national criminal background check. The applicant must pay for the cost of the criminal background check. If the background check reveals that the applicant has been convicted of a felony or gross misdemeanor, the applicant is ineligible to receive funding.
(3) The department must require that contractors submit detailed reports accounting for all expenditures of state funds. The reports must be submitted to the department on a quarterly basis. The department may require the contractor to submit to an inspection of the rehabilitation facility to ensure compliance with department rules governing wildlife rehabilitation. Expenditures that are permitted under this program as they specifically relate to wildlife rehabilitation include: (a) Reimbursement for diagnostic and lab support services; (b) purchase and maintenance of proper restraints and equipment used in the capture, transportation, temporary housing, and release of wildlife; (c) reimbursement of contracted veterinary services; (d) reimbursement of the cost of food, medication, and other consumables; and (e) reimbursement of the cost of continuing education. The department shall give priority to applications submitted that provide for the rehabilitation of endangered or threatened species. Funds may not be used to rehabilitate either nonnative species or nuisance animals, or both, including, but not limited to the following: Eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis); opossum (Didelphis virginiana); raccoons (Procyon lotor); striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis); spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius); Eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus); domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus); European starling (Sturnus vulgaris); and house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
(4) The department may adopt any rules as are necessary to carry out this section.

[ 2007 c 246 § 4.]

Finding—2007 c 246: "The legislature finds that licensed wildlife rehabilitators often work closely with local law enforcement, animal control officers, wildlife enforcement officers, and wildlife biologists at the state and federal levels to aid in the safe capture, testing for disease, medical treatment, rehabilitation, and release of wildlife. The state recognizes the critical role licensed wildlife rehabilitators play in capturing and caring for the sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife of Washington state." [ 2007 c 246 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.12 - Powers and Duties.

77.12.010 - Limitation on prohibiting fishing with bait or artificial lures.

77.12.020 - Wildlife to be classified.

77.12.031 - Llamas and alpacas.

77.12.035 - Protection of grizzly bears—Limitation on transplantation or introduction—Negotiations with federal and state agencies.

77.12.037 - Acquisition, use, and management of property—Condemnation—When authorized.

77.12.038 - Notification requirements.

77.12.039 - Acceptance of funds or property for damage claims or conservation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife resources.

77.12.043 - Contracts and agreements for propagation of fish or shellfish.

77.12.045 - Territorial authority of commission—Adoption of federal regulations and rules of fisheries commissions and compacts.

77.12.047 - Scope of commission's authority to adopt rules—Application to private tideland owners or lessees of the state.

77.12.058 - Pollinator habitat.

77.12.068 - Dissemination of information about RCW 77.15.740 and responsible wildlife viewing.

77.12.071 - Sampling of fish, wildlife, or shellfish by department employees.

77.12.075 - Fish and wildlife federal lands revolving account.

77.12.077 - Use of dogs to hunt/pursue black bear, cougar, bobcat—Rules—Training program—Nonlethal pursuit.

77.12.085 - Liberalized bag limits for bass, walleye, and channel catfish.

77.12.140 - Acquisition or sale of wildlife.

77.12.150 - Game seasons—Opening and closing—Special hunt.

77.12.152 - Commission may designate fishing areas.

77.12.154 - Right of entry—Aircraft operated by department.

77.12.170 - Limited fish and wildlife account—Deposits—Fish, wildlife, and conservation account—Established—Deposits.

77.12.177 - Disposition of moneys collected—Proceeds from sale of commercial licenses and fish, shellfish, or wildlife.

77.12.184 - Deposit of moneys from various activities—Production of regulation booklets.

77.12.190 - Use of moneys in the limited fish and wildlife account and fish, wildlife, and conservation account.

77.12.201 - Counties may elect to receive an amount in lieu of taxes—County to record collections for violations of law or rules—Deposit.

77.12.203 - In lieu payments authorized—Procedure—Game lands defined.

77.12.204 - Grazing lands—Fish and wildlife goals—Implementation.

77.12.210 - Department property—Management, sale.

77.12.220 - Acquisition or transfer of property.

77.12.230 - Local assessments against department property.

77.12.240 - Authority to take wildlife—Disposition.

77.12.262 - Fish and wildlife officers compensation insurance—Medical aid.

77.12.264 - Fish and wildlife officers—Relieved from active duty when injured—Compensation.

77.12.266 - Relocation or introduction of wolves, coyotes, lynx, bobcats, and other big game—Notice and public hearing.

77.12.272 - Elk hoof disease—Program to monitor and assess causes of and potential solutions for—Washington State University college of veterinary medicine designated as state lead.

77.12.275 - Agreements with department of defense.

77.12.285 - Agreements with United States to protect Columbia river fish—Fish cultural stations and protective devices.

77.12.320 - Agreements for purposes related to fish, shellfish, and wildlife—Acceptance of compensation, gifts, grants—Indemnification.

77.12.323 - Special wildlife account—Investments.

77.12.325 - Cooperation with Oregon to assure yields of Columbia river fish, shellfish, and wildlife.

77.12.330 - Exclusive fishing waters for youths.

77.12.360 - Withdrawal of state land from lease—Compensation.

77.12.370 - Withdrawal of state land from lease—County procedures, approval, hearing.

77.12.380 - Withdrawal of state land from lease—Actions by commissioner of public lands.

77.12.390 - Withdrawal of state land from lease—Payment.

77.12.395 - Wolves—Conflict mitigation guidelines.

77.12.420 - Improvement of conditions for growth of game fish.

77.12.451 - Director may take or sell fish or shellfish—Restrictions on sale of salmon.

77.12.453 - Wanapum (Sokulk) Indians—Permits to take salmon and other freshwater food fish.

77.12.455 - Prevention and suppression of diseases and pests.

77.12.459 - Release and recapture of salmon or steelhead prohibited.

77.12.465 - Abandoned or derelict vessels.

77.12.467 - Wildlife rehabilitation program—Requirements to receive funding—Reports accounting for all expenditures of state funds—Permitted expenditures—Adoption of rules.

77.12.469 - Renewal of wildlife rehabilitation licenses—Adoption of rules.

77.12.471 - Wildlife rehabilitation account.

77.12.475 - Fish and wildlife equipment revolving account.

77.12.540 - Public shooting grounds—Effect of filing—Use for booming.

77.12.550 - Tidelands used as public shooting grounds—Diversion.

77.12.560 - Tidelands used as public shooting grounds—Rules.

77.12.570 - Game farm licenses—Rules—Exemption.

77.12.580 - Game farms—Authority to dispose of eggs.

77.12.590 - Game farms—Tagging of products—Exemption.

77.12.600 - Game farms—Shipping of wildlife—Exemption.

77.12.610 - Check stations—Purpose.

77.12.620 - Check stations—Stopping for inspection.

77.12.630 - Check stations—Other inspections, powers.

77.12.650 - Protection of bald eagles and their habitats—Cooperation required.

77.12.655 - Habitat buffer zones for bald eagles—Rules.

77.12.670 - Migratory bird permit/migratory bird license validations—Deposit and use of revenues.

77.12.690 - Annual migratory bird permit design—Administration, sale, and distribution—Deposit and use of funds.

77.12.702 - Rockfish research and stock assessment program—Report to the legislature—Rockfish research account.

77.12.722 - Canada goose hunting—Season or bag limit restriction.

77.12.732 - Transfer of ownership of department-owned vessel—Review of vessel's physical condition.

77.12.734 - Transfer of ownership of department-owned vessel—Further requirements.

77.12.755 - Ranked inventory of fish passage barriers.

77.12.760 - Steelhead trout fishery.

77.12.765 - Tilton and Cowlitz rivers—Proposals to reinstate salmon and steelhead.

77.12.790 - Eastern Washington pheasant enhancement program—Purpose.

77.12.800 - Pheasant hunting—Opportunities for juvenile hunters.

77.12.810 - Small game hunting license—Disposition of fee.

77.12.820 - Eastern Washington pheasant enhancement account—Created—Use of moneys—Report to the legislature.

77.12.850 - Definitions.

77.12.852 - Washington salmon stamp program—Creation.

77.12.854 - Washington junior salmon stamp program—Creation.

77.12.858 - Deposit of receipts—Expenditures.

77.12.860 - Stamp design—Department's rule-making authority.

77.12.865 - Derelict fishing gear—Guidelines for removal and disposal.

77.12.870 - Derelict fishing gear and shellfish pots database—Reporting requirements.

77.12.880 - Wildlife program management.

77.12.885 - Reported predatory wildlife interactions—Website posting.

77.12.887 - Washington conservation corps.