RCW 7.48A.070
The legislature finds that actions against moral nuisances as declared in RCW 7.48A.020 (1) through (4) involve balancing the safeguards necessary to protect constitutionally protected speech and the community and law enforcement efforts to curb dissemination of obscene matters. The legislature finds that the difficulty in ascertaining and obtaining originals and copies of obscene matters for evidentiary purposes thwarts legitimate enforcement efforts. The legislature finds that the balancing of the concerns warrants specific discovery procedures applicable to actions against moral nuisances involving obscene matters.
[ 1989 c 70 § 1.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 7 - Special Proceedings and Actions
Chapter 7.48A - Moral Nuisances.
7.48A.020 - Moral nuisances—Declaration of.
7.48A.030 - Civil actions—Who may bring.
7.48A.040 - Maintenance of moral nuisance—Fine—Maximum.
7.48A.060 - Exceptions to application of chapter.
7.48A.080 - Temporary injunction.
7.48A.090 - Restraining order—Service—Violation of order or injunction.
7.48A.100 - When bond or security not required.
7.48A.110 - Hearing—Service of notice.
7.48A.120 - Production of discovery materials—Temporary injunction.