Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 74.13 - Child Welfare Services.
74.13.632 - School-aged youth in out-of-home care—Educational experiences and progress—Reports.

RCW 74.13.632
School-aged youth in out-of-home care—Educational experiences and progress—Reports.

(1) A university-based child welfare research entity shall include in its reporting the educational experiences and progress of students in out-of-home care with the department. This data must be disaggregated in the smallest units allowable by law that do not identify an individual student, in order to learn which of the department's offices and school districts are experiencing the greatest success and challenges in achieving quality educational outcomes with students in out-of-home care with the department.
(2) By January 1, 2015 and annually thereafter, the university-based child welfare research entity must submit a report to the legislature. To the extent possible, the report should include, but is not limited to, information on the following measures for a youth who is a dependent pursuant to chapter 13.34 RCW:
(a) Aggregate scores from the Washington state kindergarten readiness assessment;
(b) Aggregate scores from the third grade statewide student assessment in reading;
(c) Number of youth graduating from high school with a documented plan for postsecondary education, employment, or military service;
(d) Number of youth completing one year of postsecondary education, the equivalent of first-year student credits, or achieving a postsecondary certificate; and
(e) Number of youth who complete an associate or bachelor's degree.
(3) The report must identify strengths and weaknesses in practice and recommend to the legislature strategy and needed resources for improvement.

[ 2018 c 58 § 48; 2013 c 182 § 7.]

Effective date—2018 c 58: See note following RCW 28A.655.080.

Findings—2013 c 182: See note following RCW 13.34.030.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 74 - Public Assistance

Chapter 74.13 - Child Welfare Services.

74.13.010 - Declaration of purpose.

74.13.013 - Finding—Accreditation of children's services.

74.13.020 - Definitions.

74.13.021 - Developmentally disabled child—Defined.

74.13.025 - Counties may administer and provide services under RCW 13.32A.197—Plan for at-risk youth required.

74.13.029 - Dependency established—Social worker's duty to provide document containing information.

74.13.031 - Duties of department—Child welfare services—Children's services advisory committee.

74.13.0311 - Services provided under deferred prosecution order.

74.13.035 - Crisis residential centers—Annual records, contents—Multiple licensing.

74.13.036 - Implementation of chapters 13.32A and 13.34 RCW.

74.13.037 - Transitional living programs for youth in the process of being emancipated—Rules.

74.13.039 - Runaway hotline.

74.13.042 - Petition for order compelling disclosure of record or information.

74.13.045 - Complaint resolution process.

74.13.055 - Foster care—Length of stay.

74.13.060 - Secretary as custodian of funds of person placed with department or its agent—Authority—Limitations—Termination.

74.13.062 - Eligible relatives appointed as guardians—Receipt and expenditure of federal funds—Implementation of subsidy program—Department to adopt rules—Relative guardianship subsidy agreements.

74.13.065 - Out-of-home care—Social study required.

74.13.070 - Moneys in possession of secretary not subject to certain proceedings.

74.13.075 - Sexually aggressive youth—Defined—Services—Expenditure of treatment funds—Tribal jurisdiction—Information sharing and confidentiality.

74.13.077 - Sexually aggressive youth—Transfer of surplus funds for treatment.

74.13.080 - Group care placement—Prerequisites for payment.

74.13.1051 - Foster youth education and plans for the future—Memoranda of understanding among agencies—Transfer of responsibilities from the department—Indicators relating to education outcomes.

74.13.107 - Child and family reinvestment account—Methodology for calculating savings resulting from reductions in foster care caseloads and per capita costs.

74.13.110 - Contracted services performance improvement account.

74.13.170 - Therapeutic family home program for youth in custody under chapter 13.34 RCW.

74.13.232 - Services to homeless families.

74.13.250 - Preservice training—Foster parents.

74.13.260 - On-site monitoring program.

74.13.270 - Respite care.

74.13.280 - Client information.

74.13.283 - Washington state identicards—Foster youth.

74.13.285 - Passports—Information to be provided to foster parents.

74.13.287 - Intent—Infant, foster family health.

74.13.288 - Blood-borne pathogens—Testing.

74.13.289 - Blood-borne pathogens—Client information—Training.

74.13.290 - Fewest possible placements for children—Preferred placements.

74.13.300 - Notification of proposed placement changes.

74.13.310 - Foster parent training.

74.13.315 - Child care for foster parents attending meetings or training.

74.13.325 - Foster care and adoptive home recruitment program.

74.13.330 - Responsibilities of foster parents.

74.13.332 - Rights of foster parents.

74.13.333 - Rights of foster parents—Complaints—Investigation—Notice of any personnel action—Report.

74.13.334 - Department procedures to respond to foster parents' complaints.

74.13.335 - Foster care—Reimbursement—Property damage.

74.13.336 - Extended foster care services.

74.13.338 - Driver's license support for foster youth.

74.13.341 - Transition plan—Planning services—Qualification for services provided by the developmental disabilities administration.

74.13.500 - Disclosure of child welfare records—Factors—Exception.

74.13.505 - Disclosure of child welfare records—Information to be disclosed.

74.13.510 - Disclosure of child welfare records—Consideration of effects.

74.13.515 - Disclosure of child welfare records—Fatalities.

74.13.520 - Disclosure of child welfare records—Information not to be disclosed.

74.13.525 - Disclosure of child welfare records—Immunity from liability.

74.13.530 - Child placement—Conflict of interest.

74.13.540 - Independent living services.

74.13.550 - Child placement—Policy of educational continuity.

74.13.560 - Educational continuity—Protocol development.

74.13.570 - Oversight committee—Duties.

74.13.580 - Educational stability during shelter care hearing—Protocol development.

74.13.590 - Tasks to be performed based on available resources.

74.13.600 - Kinship caregivers—Definition—Placement of children with kin a priority—Strategies.

74.13.621 - Kinship care oversight committee.

74.13.631 - Students subject to a dependency proceeding—School placement options.

74.13.632 - School-aged youth in out-of-home care—Educational experiences and progress—Reports.

74.13.640 - Child fatality reviews.

74.13.650 - Foster parent critical support and retention program.

74.13.660 - Foster parent critical support and retention program—Availability, assessment, training, referral.

74.13.670 - Care provider immunity for allegation of failure to supervise a sexually reactive, physically assaultive, or physically aggressive youth—Conditions.

74.13.680 - Foster care to twenty-one program—Termination.

74.13.690 - Child welfare measurements.

74.13.695 - Validated tool to assess care needs.

74.13.700 - Denial or delay of licensure or approval of unsupervised access to children.

74.13.705 - Background checks—Out-of-state requests—Fees.

74.13.710 - Out-of-home care—Childhood activities—Prudent parent standard.

74.13.715 - Family connections program—Report to legislature.

74.13.720 - Certificates of parental improvement—Issuance—Standards—Rules—Liability.

74.13.730 - Certificates of parental improvement—Administrative review.

74.13.802 - Child welfare housing assistance pilot program.

74.13.805 - Medicaid waiver services eligibility reporting.

74.13.901 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.

74.13.902 - Construction—Religious or nonprofit organizations.

74.13.903 - Construction—Prevention services.