Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 74.12 - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
74.12.310 - Placement of child with other relatives.

RCW 74.12.310
Placement of child with other relatives.

When intensive efforts over a reasonable period have failed to improve the home conditions, the department shall determine if any other relatives specified by the social security act are maintaining a suitable home and are willing to take the care and custody of the child in their home. Upon an affirmative finding the department shall, if the parents or relatives with whom the child is living consent, take the necessary steps for placement of the child with such other relatives, but if the parents or relatives with whom the child lives refuse their consent to the placement then the department shall file a petition in the juvenile court for a decree adjudging the home unsuitable and placing the dependent child with such other relatives.

[ 1963 c 228 § 27.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 74 - Public Assistance

Chapter 74.12 - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

74.12.010 - Definitions.

74.12.030 - Eligibility.

74.12.035 - Additional eligibility requirements—Students—Exceptions.

74.12.240 - Services provided to help attain maximum self-support and independence of parents and relatives.

74.12.250 - Payment of grant to another—Limited guardianship.

74.12.255 - Teen applicants' living situation—Criteria—Presumption—Protective payee—Adoption referral.

74.12.260 - Persons to whom grants shall be made—Proof of use for benefit of children.

74.12.280 - Rules for coordination of services.

74.12.290 - Suitability of home—Evaluation.

74.12.300 - Grant during period required to eliminate undesirable conditions.

74.12.310 - Placement of child with other relatives.

74.12.320 - Placement of child pursuant to chapter 13.04 RCW.

74.12.330 - Assistance not to be denied for want of relative or court order.

74.12.340 - Day care.

74.12.350 - Child's income set aside for future needs—Irrevocable trusts—Educational accounts.

74.12.361 - Supplemental security income program—Enrollment of disabled persons.

74.12.400 - Reduce reliance on aid—Work and job training—Family planning—Staff training.

74.12.410 - Family planning information—Cooperation with the superintendent of public instruction.

74.12.450 - Application for assistance—Report on suspected child abuse or neglect—Notice to parent about application, location of child, and family reconciliation act.

74.12.460 - Notice to parent—Required within seven days of approval of application.

74.12.470 - Monthly diaper subsidy—Rules—Outreach.

74.12.900 - Welfare reform implementation—1994 c 299.