Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 74.08A - Washington Workfirst Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
74.08A.100 - Immigrants—Eligibility.

RCW 74.08A.100

The state shall exercise its option under P.L. 104-193 to continue services to legal immigrants under temporary assistance for needy families, medicaid to the extent allowed by federal law, the state's basic health plan as provided in chapter 70.47 RCW, and social services block grant programs. Eligibility for these benefits for legal immigrants arriving after August 21, 1996, is limited to those families where the parent, parents, or legal guardians have been in residence in Washington state for a period of twelve consecutive months before making their application for assistance. Legal immigrants who lose benefits under the supplemental security income program as a result of P.L. 104-193 are immediately eligible for benefits under the state's general assistance-unemployable program. The department shall redetermine income and resource eligibility at least annually, in accordance with existing state policy.

[ 2002 c 366 § 1; 1997 c 57 § 1.]

Effective date—2002 c 366: "This act takes effect October 1, 2002." [ 2002 c 366 § 3.]

Captions not law—1997 c 57: "Captions used in this act are not any part of the law." [ 1997 c 57 § 4.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 74 - Public Assistance

Chapter 74.08A - Washington Workfirst Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

74.08A.010 - Time limits—Transitional food assistance.

74.08A.015 - Time limits—State of emergency extension.

74.08A.020 - Electronic benefit transfer.

74.08A.030 - Provision of services by religiously affiliated organizations—Rules.

74.08A.039 - Income eligibility—Federal supplemental security income.

74.08A.040 - Indian tribes—Program access—Funding—Rules.

74.08A.050 - Indian tribes—Tribal program—Fiscal year.

74.08A.060 - Food stamp work requirements.

74.08A.100 - Immigrants—Eligibility.

74.08A.110 - Immigrants—Sponsor deeming.

74.08A.120 - Immigrants and victims of human trafficking—Food assistance.

74.08A.130 - Immigrants—Naturalization facilitation.

74.08A.210 - Diversion program—Emergency assistance.

74.08A.220 - Individual development accounts—Microcredit and microenterprise approaches—Rules.

74.08A.230 - Earnings disregards and earned income cutoffs.

74.08A.240 - Noncustodial parents in work programs.

74.08A.250 - "Work activity" defined.

74.08A.260 - Work activity—Referral—Individual responsibility plan—Refusal to work.

74.08A.265 - Assistance termination—Report—Finding of racial disproportionality.

74.08A.270 - Good cause.

74.08A.275 - Employability screening.

74.08A.280 - Program goal—Collaboration to develop work programs—Contracts—Service areas—Regional plans.

74.08A.285 - Job search instruction and assistance.

74.08A.290 - Competitive performance-based contracting—Evaluation of contracting practices—Contracting strategies.

74.08A.300 - Placement bonuses.

74.08A.310 - Self-employment assistance—Training and placement programs.

74.08A.320 - Wage subsidy program.

74.08A.330 - Community service program.

74.08A.341 - Program constraints—Expenditures.

74.08A.350 - Questionnaires—Job opportunities for welfare recipients.

74.08A.380 - Teen parents—Education requirements.

74.08A.400 - Outcome measures—Intent.

74.08A.410 - Outcome measures—Development—Benchmarks.

74.08A.411 - Outcome measures—Data—Report to the legislature and the legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force.

74.08A.420 - Outcome measures—Evaluations—Awarding contracts—Bonuses.

74.08A.440 - Recipients exempted from active work search—Benefits eligibility.

74.08A.500 - Legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force—Definitions.

74.08A.505 - Legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force—Membership—Duties—Five-year plan.

74.08A.510 - Legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force—Intergenerational poverty advisory committee—Membership—Duties.

74.08A.900 - Short title—1997 c 58.

74.08A.901 - Part headings, captions, table of contents not law—1997 c 58.

74.08A.902 - Exemptions and waivers from federal law—1997 c 58.

74.08A.903 - Conflict with federal requirements—1997 c 58.

74.08A.904 - Severability—1997 c 58.

74.08A.905 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.