Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 74.08 - Eligibility Generally—Standards of Assistance.
74.08.331 - Unlawful practices—Obtaining assistance—Disposal of realty—Penalties.

RCW 74.08.331
Unlawful practices—Obtaining assistance—Disposal of realty—Penalties.

(1) Any person who by means of a willfully false statement, or representation, or impersonation, or a willful failure to reveal any material fact, condition, or circumstance affecting eligibility or need for assistance, including medical care, surplus commodities, and food stamps or food stamp benefits transferred electronically, as required by law, or a willful failure to promptly notify the county office in writing as required by law or any change in status in respect to resources, or income, or need, or family composition, money contribution and other support, from whatever source derived, including unemployment insurance, or any other change in circumstances affecting the person's eligibility or need for assistance, or other fraudulent device, obtains, or attempts to obtain, or aids or abets any person to obtain any public assistance to which the person is not entitled or greater public assistance than that to which he or she is justly entitled is guilty of theft in the first degree under RCW 9A.56.030 and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than fifteen years.
(2) Any person who by means of a willfully false statement or representation or by impersonation or other fraudulent device aids or abets in buying, selling, or in any other way disposing of the real property of a recipient of public assistance without the consent of the secretary is guilty of a gross misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for up to three hundred sixty-four days in the county jail or a fine of not to exceed one thousand dollars or by both.

[ 2011 c 96 § 53; 2003 c 53 § 368; 1998 c 79 § 16; 1997 c 58 § 303; 1992 c 7 § 59; 1979 c 141 § 329; 1965 ex.s. c 34 § 1.]

Findings—Intent—2011 c 96: See note following RCW 9A.20.021.

Intent—Effective date—2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.

Short title—Part headings, captions, table of contents not law—Exemptions and waivers from federal law—Conflict with federal requirements—Severability—1997 c 58: See RCW 74.08A.900 through 74.08A.904.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 74 - Public Assistance

Chapter 74.08 - Eligibility Generally—Standards of Assistance.

74.08.025 - Eligibility for public assistance—Temporary assistance for needy families—Limitations for drug or alcohol-dependent persons.

74.08.030 - Old age assistance eligibility requirements.

74.08.043 - Need for personal and special care—Authority to consider in determining living requirements.

74.08.044 - Need for personal and special care—Licensing—Rules and regulations.

74.08.045 - Need for personal and special care—Purchase of personal and special care by department.

74.08.046 - Energy assistance allowance.

74.08.050 - Applications for grants.

74.08.055 - Verification of applications—Electronic applications—Penalty.

74.08.060 - Action on applications—Ineligibility of inmates—Employment and training services.

74.08.080 - Grievances—Departmental and judicial review.

74.08.090 - Rule-making authority and enforcement.

74.08.100 - Age and residency verification—Felony.

74.08.105 - Out-of-state recipients.

74.08.210 - Grants not assignable nor subject to execution.

74.08.260 - Federal act to control in event of conflict.

74.08.278 - Central operating fund established.

74.08.280 - Payments to persons incapable of self-care—Protective payee services.

74.08.283 - Services provided to attain self-care.

74.08.290 - Suspension of payments—Need lapse—Imprisonment—Conviction under RCW 74.08.331.

74.08.331 - Unlawful practices—Obtaining assistance—Disposal of realty—Penalties.

74.08.335 - Transfers of property to qualify for assistance.

74.08.338 - Real property transfers for inadequate consideration.

74.08.340 - No vested rights conferred.

74.08.370 - Old age assistance grants charged against general fund.

74.08.380 - Acceptance of federal act.

74.08.390 - Research, projects, to effect savings by restoring self-support—Waiver of public assistance requirements.

74.08.580 - Electronic benefit cards—Prohibited uses—Violations.

74.08.582 - Electronic benefit cards—Names of two or more persons.

74.08.900 - Limited application.