Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 71A.12 - State Services.
71A.12.360 - Duty to track, monitor, and make available certain deidentified information about clients taken or admitted to a hospital—Notification by provider required.

RCW 71A.12.360
Duty to track, monitor, and make available certain deidentified information about clients taken or admitted to a hospital—Notification by provider required.

(1) Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the developmental disabilities administration of the department of social and health services shall track and monitor the following items and make the deidentified information available to the office of the developmental disabilities ombuds created in RCW 43.382.005, the legislature, the Washington state hospital association, and the public upon request:
(a) Information about clients receiving services from a provider who are taken or admitted to a hospital. This includes:
(i) The number of clients who are taken or admitted to a hospital for services without a medical need;
(ii) The number of clients who are taken or admitted to a hospital with a medical need, but are unable to discharge once the medical need is met;
(iii) Each client's length of hospital stay for nonmedical purposes;
(iv) The reason each client was unable to be discharged from a hospital once the client's medical need was met;
(v) The location, including the type of provider, where each client was before being taken or admitted to a hospital; and
(vi) The location where each client is discharged.
(b) Information about clients who are taken or admitted to a hospital once the client's provider terminates services. This includes:
(i) The number of clients who are taken or admitted to a hospital for services without a medical need;
(ii) The number of clients who are taken or admitted to a hospital with a medical need, but are unable to discharge once the medical need is met;
(iii) Each client's length of hospital stay for nonmedical purposes;
(iv) The reason each client was unable to be discharged from a hospital once the client's medical need was met;
(v) For each client, the reason the provider terminated services;
(vi) The location, including the type of provider, where each client was before being taken or admitted to a hospital; and
(vii) The location where each client is discharged.
(2) A provider must notify the department when a client is taken or admitted to a hospital for services without a medical need and when a client is taken or admitted to a hospital with a medical need but is unable to discharge back to the provider, so that the department may track and collect data as required under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Hospital" means a facility licensed under chapter 70.41 or 71.12 RCW.
(b) "Provider" means a certified residential services and support program that contracts with the developmental disabilities administration of the department of social and health services to provide services to administration clients. "Provider" also includes the state-operated living alternatives program operated by the administration.

[ 2019 c 324 § 13.]

Findings—Intent—2019 c 324: See note following RCW 71.24.648.

Mental health drop-in center services pilot program—2019 c 324: See note following RCW 71.24.649.

Report—2019 c 324: See note following RCW 70.38.111.

Recommendations—Residential intensive behavioral health and developmental disability services—2019 c 324: See note following RCW 74.39A.030.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 71A - Developmental Disabilities

Chapter 71A.12 - State Services.

71A.12.010 - State and local program—Coordination—Continuum.

71A.12.020 - Objectives of program.

71A.12.025 - Persons with developmental disabilities who commit crimes—Findings.

71A.12.030 - General authority of secretary—Rule adoption.

71A.12.040 - Authorized services.

71A.12.050 - Payments for nonresidential services.

71A.12.060 - Payment authorized for residents in community residential programs.

71A.12.070 - Payments under RCW 71A.12.060 supplemental to payments from other resources—Direct payments.

71A.12.080 - Rules.

71A.12.090 - Eligibility of parent for services.

71A.12.100 - Other services.

71A.12.110 - Authority to contract for services.

71A.12.120 - Authority to participate in federal programs.

71A.12.130 - Gifts—Acceptance, use, record.

71A.12.140 - Duties of state agencies generally.

71A.12.150 - Contracts with United States and other states for developmental disability services.

71A.12.161 - Individual and family services program—Rules.

71A.12.200 - Community protection program—Legislative approval.

71A.12.210 - Community protection program—Application.

71A.12.220 - Community protection program—Definitions.

71A.12.230 - Community protection program—Risk assessment—Written notification—Written determination.

71A.12.240 - Community protection program—Appeals—Rules—Notice.

71A.12.250 - Community protection program—Services—Reviews—Rules.

71A.12.260 - Community protection program—Less restrictive residential placement.

71A.12.280 - Community protection program—Rules, guidelines, and policy manuals.

71A.12.290 - Transition from employment services to community access program.

71A.12.300 - Enforcement standards—Certified residential services and support providers—Department authority—Dispute resolution process—Account.

71A.12.310 - Annual assessment—Case manager duties.

71A.12.320 - Risk of abuse and neglect—Process—Home visits.

71A.12.330 - Residential services and supports program—Certification fee for complaint investigations—Intent.

71A.12.340 - Residential services and supports program—Certification fee for complaint investigations—Requirements.

71A.12.350 - Residential services and supports program—Certification fee for complaint investigations—Department duties.

71A.12.360 - Duty to track, monitor, and make available certain deidentified information about clients taken or admitted to a hospital—Notification by provider required.

71A.12.370 - Medicaid waiver—Priority.