Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70A.388 - Nuclear Energy and Radiation.
70A.388.080 - Financial assurance—Noncompliance.

RCW 70A.388.080
Financial assurance—Noncompliance.

(1) The radiation control agency may require any person who applies for, or holds, a license under this chapter to demonstrate that the person has financial assurance sufficient to assure that liability incurred as a result of licensed operations and activities can be fully satisfied. Financial assurance may be in the form of insurance, cash deposits, surety bonds, corporate guarantees, letters of credit, or other financial instruments or guarantees determined by the agency to be acceptable financial assurance. The agency may require financial assurance in an amount determined by the secretary pursuant to RCW 70A.388.090.
(2) The radiation control agency may require site use permit holders to demonstrate financial assurance in an amount that is adequate to protect the state and its citizens from all claims, suits, losses, damages, or expenses on account of injuries to persons and property damage arising or growing out of the transportation or disposal of commercial low-level radioactive waste. The financial assurance may be in the form of insurance, cash deposits, surety bonds, corporate guarantees, and other acceptable instruments or guarantees determined by the secretary to be acceptable evidence of financial assurance. The agency may require financial assurance in an amount determined by the secretary pursuant to RCW 70A.388.090.
(3) The radiation control agency shall refuse to issue a license or permit or suspend the license or permit of any person required by this section to demonstrate financial assurance who fails to demonstrate compliance with this section. The license or permit shall not be issued or reinstated until the person demonstrates compliance with this section.
(4) The radiation control agency shall require (a) that any person required to demonstrate financial assurance, maintain with the agency current copies of any insurance policies, certificates of insurance, letters of credit, surety bonds, or any other documents used to comply with this section, (b) that the agency be notified of any changes in the financial assurance or financial condition of the person, and (c) that the state be named as an insured party on any insurance policy used to comply with this section.

[ 2020 c 20 § 1265; 2012 c 19 § 10; 1992 c 61 § 3; 1990 c 82 § 4; 1986 c 191 § 3. Formerly RCW 70.98.095.]

Effective date—2012 c 19: See note following RCW 70A.384.010.

Construction—1986 c 191: See RCW 70A.384.902.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 70A - Environmental Health and Safety

Chapter 70A.388 - Nuclear Energy and Radiation.

70A.388.010 - Declaration of policy.

70A.388.020 - Purpose.

70A.388.030 - Definitions.

70A.388.040 - State radiation control agency.

70A.388.050 - Rules and regulations—Licensing requirements and procedure—Notice of license application—Objections—Notice upon granting of license—Registration of sources of ionizing radiation—Exemptions from registration or licensing.

70A.388.060 - User permit system—Fees—Indemnify and hold state harmless—Adoption of rules.

70A.388.070 - Inspection.

70A.388.080 - Financial assurance—Noncompliance.

70A.388.090 - Financial assurance—Generally.

70A.388.100 - Records.

70A.388.110 - Federal-state agreements—Authorized—Effect as to federal licenses.

70A.388.120 - Inspection agreements and training programs.

70A.388.130 - Department of ecology to seek federal funding for environmental radiation monitoring.

70A.388.140 - Federal assistance to be sought for high-level radioactive waste program.

70A.388.150 - Administrative procedure.

70A.388.160 - Injunction proceedings.

70A.388.170 - Prohibited uses.

70A.388.180 - Impounding of materials.

70A.388.190 - Prohibition—Fluoroscopic X-ray shoefitting devices.

70A.388.200 - Exemptions.

70A.388.210 - Professional uses.

70A.388.220 - Penalties.

70A.388.230 - Adoption of rules for administering site use permit program.

70A.388.901 - Effective date—1961 c 207.

70A.388.902 - Section headings not part of law.