RCW 70A.20.070
Rules relating to motor vehicles—Violations—Penalty.
Any rule adopted under this chapter relating to the operation of motor vehicles on public highways shall be administered according to testing and inspection procedures adopted by rule by the state patrol. Violation of any motor vehicle performance standard adopted pursuant to this chapter shall be a misdemeanor, enforced by such authorities and in such manner as violations of chapter 46.37 RCW. Violations subject to the provisions of this section shall be exempt from the provisions of RCW 70A.20.050.
[ 2020 c 20 § 1326; 1987 c 330 § 749; 1974 ex.s. c 183 § 7. Formerly RCW 70.107.070.]
Construction—Application of rules—Severability—1987 c 330: See notes following RCW 28B.12.050.
Structure Revised Code of Washington