Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70A.110 - On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems—Marine Recovery Areas.
70A.110.020 - Definitions.

RCW 70A.110.020

The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Board" means the state board of health.
(2) "Department" means the department of health.
(3) "Failing" means a condition of an existing on-site sewage disposal system or component that threatens the public health by inadequately treating sewage, or by creating a potential for direct or indirect contact between sewage and the public. Examples of a failing on-site sewage disposal system include:
(a) Sewage on the surface of the ground;
(b) Sewage backing up into a structure caused by slow soil absorption of septic tank effluent;
(c) Sewage leaking from a sewage tank or collection system;
(d) Cesspools or seepage pits where evidence of groundwater or surface water quality degradation exists;
(e) Inadequately treated effluent contaminating groundwater or surface water; or
(f) Noncompliance with standards stipulated on the permit.
(4) "Local health officer" or "local health jurisdiction" means the local health officers and local health jurisdictions in the following counties bordering Puget Sound: Clallam, Island, Kitsap, Jefferson, Mason, San Juan, Seattle-King, Skagit, Snohomish, Tacoma-Pierce, Thurston, and Whatcom.
(5) "Marine recovery area" means an area of definite boundaries where the local health officer, or the department in consultation with the health officer, determines that additional requirements for existing on-site sewage disposal systems may be necessary to reduce potential failing systems or minimize negative impacts of on-site sewage disposal systems.
(6) "Marine recovery area on-site strategy" or "on-site strategy" means a local health jurisdiction's on-site sewage disposal system strategy required under RCW 70A.110.050. This strategy is a component of the on-site program management plan required under RCW 70A.110.030.
(7) "On-site sewage disposal system" means an integrated system of components, located on or nearby the property it serves, that conveys, stores, treats, or provides subsurface soil treatment and dispersal of sewage. It consists of a collection system, a treatment component or treatment sequence, and a soil dispersal component. An on-site sewage disposal system also refers to a holding tank sewage system or other system that does not have a soil dispersal component. For purposes of this chapter, the term "on-site sewage disposal system" does not include any system regulated by a water quality discharge permit issued under chapter 90.48 RCW.
(8) "Unknown system" means an on-site sewage disposal system that was installed without the knowledge or approval of the local health jurisdiction, including those that were installed before such approval was required.

[ 2020 c 20 § 1334; 2006 c 18 § 2. Formerly RCW 70.118A.020.]