RCW 70.82.050
Powers, duties, functions, unallocated funds, transferred.
All powers, duties and functions of the superintendent of public instruction or the state board of education relating to the Cerebral Palsy Center as referred to in chapter 39, Laws of 1973 2nd ex. sess. shall be transferred to the department of social and health services as created in chapter 43.20A RCW, and all unallocated funds within any account to the credit of the superintendent of public instruction or the state board of education for purposes of such Cerebral Palsy Center shall be transferred effective July 1, 1974 to the credit of the department of social and health services, which department shall hereafter expend such funds for such Cerebral Palsy Center purposes as contemplated in the appropriations therefor. All employees of the Cerebral Palsy Center on July 1, 1974 who are classified employees under chapter 41.06 RCW, the state civil service law, shall be assigned and transferred to the department of social and health services to perform their usual duties upon the same terms as formerly, without any loss of rights, subject to any action that may be appropriate thereafter in accordance with the laws and rules governing the state civil service law.
[ 1974 ex.s. c 91 § 4.]
Severability—Effective date—1974 ex.s. c 91: See notes following RCW 70.82.010.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 70 - Public Health and Safety
Chapter 70.82 - Cerebral Palsy Program.
70.82.010 - Purpose and aim of program.
70.82.021 - Cerebral palsy fund—Moneys transferred to general fund.
70.82.022 - Cerebral palsy fund—Appropriations to be paid from general fund.
70.82.023 - Cerebral palsy fund—Abolished.
70.82.024 - Cerebral palsy fund—Warrants to be paid from general fund.
70.82.050 - Powers, duties, functions, unallocated funds, transferred.