Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70.48 - City and County Jails Act.
70.48.210 - Farms, camps, work release programs, and special detention facilities.

RCW 70.48.210
Farms, camps, work release programs, and special detention facilities.

(1) All cities and counties are authorized to establish and maintain farms, camps, and work release programs and facilities, as well as special detention facilities. The facilities shall meet the requirements of chapter 70.48 RCW and any rules adopted thereunder.
(2) Farms and camps may be established either inside or outside the territorial limits of a city or county. A sentence of confinement in a city or county jail may include placement in a farm or camp. Unless directed otherwise by court order, the chief law enforcement officer or department of corrections, may transfer the prisoner to a farm or camp. The sentencing court, chief law enforcement officer, or department of corrections may not transfer to a farm or camp a greater number of prisoners than can be furnished with constructive employment and can be reasonably accommodated.
(3) The city or county may establish a city or county work release program and housing facilities for the prisoners in the program. In such regard, factors such as employment conditions and the condition of jail facilities should be considered. When a work release program is established the following provisions apply:
(a) A person convicted of a felony and placed in a city or county jail is eligible for the work release program. A person sentenced to a city or county jail is eligible for the work release program. The program may be used as a condition of probation for a criminal offense. Good conduct is a condition of participation in the program.
(b) The court may permit a person who is currently, regularly employed to continue his or her employment. The chief law enforcement officer or department of corrections shall make all necessary arrangements if possible. The court may authorize the person to seek suitable employment and may authorize the chief law enforcement officer or department of corrections to make reasonable efforts to find suitable employment for the person. A person participating in the work release program may not work in an establishment where there is a labor dispute.
(c) The work release prisoner shall be confined in a work release facility or jail unless authorized to be absent from the facility for program-related purposes, unless the court directs otherwise.
(d) Each work release prisoner's earnings may be collected by the chief law enforcement officer or a designee. The chief law enforcement officer or a designee may deduct from the earnings moneys for the payments for the prisoner's board, personal expenses inside and outside the jail, a share of the administrative expenses of this section, court-ordered victim compensation, and court-ordered restitution. Support payments for the prisoner's dependents, if any, shall be made as directed by the court. With the prisoner's consent, the remaining funds may be used to pay the prisoner's preexisting debts. Any remaining balance shall be returned to the prisoner.
(e) The prisoner's sentence may be reduced by earned early release time in accordance with procedures that shall be developed and promulgated by the work release facility. The earned early release time shall be for good behavior and good performance as determined by the facility. The facility shall not credit the offender with earned early release credits in advance of the offender actually earning the credits. In the case of an offender convicted of a serious violent offense or a sex offense that is a class A felony committed on or after July 1, 1990, the aggregate earned early release time may not exceed fifteen percent of the sentence. In no other case may the aggregate earned early release time exceed one-third of the total sentence.
(f) If the work release prisoner violates the conditions of custody or employment, the prisoner shall be returned to the sentencing court. The sentencing court may require the prisoner to spend the remainder of the sentence in actual confinement and may cancel any earned reduction of the sentence.
(4) A special detention facility may be operated by a noncorrectional agency or by noncorrectional personnel by contract with the governing unit. The employees shall meet the standards of training and education established by the criminal justice training commission as authorized by RCW 43.101.080. The special detention facility may use combinations of features including, but not limited to, low-security or honor prisoner status, work farm, work release, community review, prisoner facility maintenance and food preparation, training programs, or alcohol or drug rehabilitation programs. Special detention facilities may establish a reasonable fee schedule to cover the cost of facility housing and programs. The schedule shall be on a sliding basis that reflects the person's ability to pay.

[ 1990 c 3 § 203; 1989 c 248 § 3; 1985 c 298 § 1; 1983 c 165 § 39; 1979 ex.s. c 232 § 17.]

Application—1989 c 248: See note following RCW 9.92.151.

Legislative finding, intent—Effective dates—Severability—1983 c 165: See notes following RCW 46.20.308.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 70 - Public Health and Safety

Chapter 70.48 - City and County Jails Act.

70.48.020 - Definitions.

70.48.071 - Standards for operation—Adoption by units of local government.

70.48.090 - Interlocal contracts for jail services—Neighboring states—Responsibility for operation of jail—City or county departments of corrections authorized.

70.48.095 - Regional jails.

70.48.100 - Jail register, open to the public—Records confidential—Exception.

70.48.130 - Emergency or necessary medical and health care for confined persons—Reimbursement procedures—Conditions—Limitations.

70.48.135 - Pregnant inmates—Midwifery or doula services—Reasonable accommodations.

70.48.140 - Confinement pursuant to authority of the United States.

70.48.160 - Post-approval limitation on funding.

70.48.170 - Short title.

70.48.180 - Authority to locate and operate jail facilities—Counties.

70.48.190 - Authority to locate and operate jail facilities—Cities and towns.

70.48.210 - Farms, camps, work release programs, and special detention facilities.

70.48.215 - Booking patients of state hospitals.

70.48.220 - Confinement may be wherever jail services are contracted—Defendant contact with defense counsel.

70.48.230 - Transportation and temporary confinement of prisoners.

70.48.240 - Transfer of felons from jail to state institution—Time limit.

70.48.245 - Transfer of persons with developmental disabilities or traumatic brain injuries from jail to department of corrections facility.

70.48.380 - Special detention facilities—Fees for cost of housing.

70.48.390 - Fee payable by person being booked.

70.48.400 - Sentences to be served in state institutions—When—Sentences that may be served in jail—Financial responsibility of city or county.

70.48.410 - Financial responsibility for convicted felons.

70.48.420 - Financial responsibility for persons detained on parole hold.

70.48.430 - Financial responsibility for work release inmates detained in jail.

70.48.440 - Office of financial management to establish reimbursement rate for cities and counties—Rate until June 30, 1985—Reestablishment of rates.

70.48.450 - Local jail reporting form—Information to be provided by city or county requesting payment for prisoners from state.

70.48.460 - Contracts for incarceration services for prisoners not covered by RCW 70.48.400 through 70.48.450.

70.48.470 - Sex, kidnapping offenders—Notices to offenders, law enforcement officials.

70.48.475 - Release of offender or defendant subject to a discharge review—Required notifications.

70.48.480 - Communicable disease prevention guidelines.

70.48.490 - Delivery and administration of medications and medication assistance by nonpractitioner jail personnel—Conditions.

70.48.500 - Use of restraints on pregnant women or youth in custody—Allowed in extraordinary circumstances.

70.48.501 - Use of restraints on pregnant women or youth in custody—Provision of information to staff, women, or youth of childbearing age in custody.

70.48.502 - Use of restraints on pregnant women or youth in custody—Limited immunity from liability.

70.48.510 - Unexpected fatality review—Records—Discovery.

70.48.520 - Collaboration with managed care organizations.

70.48.800 - Use of restraints on pregnant women or youth in custody—Informational packet.

70.48.801 - Jail standards task force.