Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 69.41 - Legend Drugs—Prescription Drugs.
69.41.040 - Prescription requirements—Penalty.

RCW 69.41.040
Prescription requirements—Penalty.

(1) A prescription, in order to be effective in legalizing the possession of legend drugs, must be issued for a legitimate medical purpose by one authorized to prescribe the use of such legend drugs. Except as provided in RCW 69.41.095, an order purporting to be a prescription issued to a drug abuser or habitual user of legend drugs, not in the course of professional treatment, is not a prescription within the meaning and intent of this section; and the person who knows or should know that he or she is filling such an order, as well as the person issuing it, may be charged with violation of this chapter. A legitimate medical purpose shall include use in the course of a bona fide research program in conjunction with a hospital or university.
(2) A violation of this section is a class B felony punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW.

[ 2015 c 205 § 3; 2003 c 53 § 324; 1973 1st ex.s. c 186 § 4.]

Intent—2015 c 205: See note following RCW 69.41.095.

Intent—Effective date—2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 69 - Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Poisons

Chapter 69.41 - Legend Drugs—Prescription Drugs.

69.41.010 - Definitions.

69.41.020 - Prohibited acts—Information not privileged communication.

69.41.030 - Sale, delivery, or possession of legend drug without prescription or order prohibited—Exceptions—Penalty.

69.41.032 - Prescription of legend drugs and dialysate by dialysis programs.

69.41.040 - Prescription requirements—Penalty.

69.41.041 - Long-term care facilities and hospice programs—Legend drug prescriptions and chart orders.

69.41.042 - Record requirements.

69.41.044 - Confidentiality.

69.41.050 - Labeling requirements—Penalty.

69.41.055 - Electronic communication of prescription information—Commission may adopt rules—Long-term care facilities and hospice programs.

69.41.060 - Search and seizure.

69.41.062 - Search and seizure at rental premises—Notification of landlord.

69.41.065 - Violations—Juvenile driving privileges.

69.41.072 - Violations of chapter 69.50 RCW not to be charged under chapter 69.41 RCW—Exception.

69.41.075 - Rules—Availability of lists of drugs.

69.41.080 - Animal control—Rules for possession and use of legend drugs.

69.41.085 - Medication assistance—Community-based care setting.

69.41.095 - Opioid overdose reversal medication—Standing order permitted.

69.41.100 - Legislative recognition and declaration.

69.41.110 - Definitions.

69.41.120 - Prescriptions to contain instruction as to whether or not a therapeutically equivalent generic drug or interchangeable biological product may be substituted—Out-of-state prescriptions—Form—Contents—Procedure.

69.41.125 - Interchangeable biological product may be substituted for biological product—Exception—Wholesale price less.

69.41.130 - Savings in price to be passed on to purchaser.

69.41.140 - Minimum manufacturing standards and practices.

69.41.150 - Liability of practitioner, pharmacist.

69.41.160 - Pharmacy signs as to substitution for prescribed drugs.

69.41.170 - Coercion of pharmacist prohibited—Penalty.

69.41.180 - Rules.

69.41.190 - Preferred drug substitution—Exceptions—Notice—Limited restrictions.

69.41.193 - Dispensing of biological product—Entry of product into electronic records system—Communication—Exceptions.

69.41.196 - List of interchangeable biological products—Pharmacy quality assurance commission to maintain link on website.

69.41.200 - Requirements for identification of legend drugs—Marking.

69.41.210 - Definitions.

69.41.220 - Published lists of drug imprints—Requirements for.

69.41.230 - Drugs in violation are contraband.

69.41.240 - Rules—Labeling and marking.

69.41.250 - Exemptions.

69.41.260 - Manufacture or distribution for resale—Requirements.

69.41.280 - Confidentiality.

69.41.300 - Definitions.

69.41.310 - Rules.

69.41.320 - Practitioners—Restricted use—Medical records.

69.41.330 - Public warnings—School districts.

69.41.340 - Student athletes—Violations—Penalty.

69.41.350 - Penalties.