Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 69.04 - Intrastate Commerce in Drugs and Cosmetics.
69.04.120 - Procedure on embargo.

RCW 69.04.120
Procedure on embargo.

When the director has embargoed an article, he or she shall, forthwith and without delay and in no event later than thirty days after the affixing of notice of its embargo, petition the superior court for an order affirming the embargo. The court then has jurisdiction, for cause shown and after prompt hearing to any claimant of the embargoed article, to issue an order which directs the removal of the embargo or the destruction or the correction and release of the article. An order for destruction or correction and release shall contain such provision for the payment of pertinent court costs and fees and administrative expenses as is equitable and which the court deems appropriate in the circumstances. An order for correction and release may contain such provision for a bond as the court finds indicated in the circumstances.

[ 1991 c 162 § 4; 1983 c 95 § 8; 1945 c 257 § 30; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 6163-79.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 69 - Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Poisons

Chapter 69.04 - Intrastate Commerce in Drugs and Cosmetics.

69.04.001 - Statement of purpose.

69.04.002 - Introductory.

69.04.003 - "Federal act" defined.

69.04.004 - "Intrastate commerce."

69.04.005 - "Sale."

69.04.006 - "Director."

69.04.007 - "Person."

69.04.008 - "Food."

69.04.009 - "Drugs."

69.04.010 - "Device."

69.04.011 - "Cosmetic."

69.04.012 - "Official compendium."

69.04.013 - "Label."

69.04.014 - "Immediate container."

69.04.015 - "Labeling."

69.04.016 - "Misleading labeling or advertisement," how determined.

69.04.017 - "Antiseptic" as germicide.

69.04.018 - "New drug" defined.

69.04.019 - "Advertisement."

69.04.020 - "Contaminated with filth."

69.04.040 - Prohibited acts.

69.04.050 - Remedy by injunction.

69.04.060 - Criminal penalty for violations.

69.04.070 - Additional penalty.

69.04.080 - Avoidance of penalty.

69.04.090 - Liability of disseminator of advertisement.

69.04.100 - Condemnation of adulterated or misbranded article.

69.04.110 - Embargo of articles.

69.04.120 - Procedure on embargo.

69.04.130 - Petitions may be consolidated.

69.04.140 - Claimant entitled to sample.

69.04.150 - Damages not recoverable if probable cause existed.

69.04.160 - Prosecutions.

69.04.170 - Minor infractions.

69.04.180 - Proceedings to be in name of state.

69.04.370 - Right of access for inspection.

69.04.410 - Drugs—Adulteration by harmful substances.

69.04.420 - Drugs—Adulteration for failure to comply with compendium standard.

69.04.430 - Drugs—Adulteration for lack of represented purity or quality.

69.04.440 - Drugs—Adulteration by admixture or substitution of ingredients.

69.04.450 - Drugs—Misbranding by false labeling.

69.04.460 - Packaged drugs—Misbranding.

69.04.470 - Drugs—Misbranding by lack of prominent label.

69.04.480 - Drugs—Misbranding for failure to state content of habit forming drug.

69.04.490 - Drugs—Misbranding by failure to show usual name and ingredients.

69.04.500 - Drugs—Misbranding by failure to give directions for use and warnings.

69.04.510 - Drugs—Misbranding for improper packaging and labeling.

69.04.520 - Drugs—Misbranding for failure to show possibility of deterioration.

69.04.530 - Drugs—Misbranding by misleading representation.

69.04.540 - Drugs—Misbranding by sale without prescription of drug requiring it.

69.04.550 - Drugs exempt if in transit for completion purposes.

69.04.560 - Dispensing of certain drugs exempt.

69.04.565 - DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) authorized.

69.04.570 - Introduction of new drug.

69.04.580 - Application for introduction.

69.04.590 - Effective date of application.

69.04.600 - Denial of application.

69.04.610 - Revocation of denial.

69.04.620 - Service of order of denial.

69.04.630 - Drug for investigational use exempt.

69.04.640 - Court review of denial.

69.04.650 - Dispensing of certain drugs exempt.

69.04.660 - Federally licensed drugs exempt.

69.04.670 - Cosmetics—Adulteration by injurious substances.

69.04.680 - Cosmetics—Misbranding by false label, etc.

69.04.690 - Cosmetics—Misbranding by lack of prominent label.

69.04.700 - Cosmetics exempt if in transit for completion purposes.

69.04.710 - Advertisement, when deemed false.

69.04.720 - Advertising of cure of certain diseases deemed false.

69.04.730 - Enforcement, where vested—Regulations.

69.04.740 - Regulations to conform with federal regulations.

69.04.750 - Hearings.

69.04.761 - Hearing on proposed regulation—Procedure.

69.04.770 - Review on petition prior to effective date.

69.04.780 - Investigations—Samples—Right of entry—Verified statements.

69.04.790 - Owner may obtain part of sample.

69.04.800 - Access to records of other agencies.

69.04.810 - Access to records of intrastate carriers.

69.04.820 - Right of entry to factories, warehouses, vehicles, etc.

69.04.830 - Publication of reports of judgments, orders and decrees.

69.04.840 - Dissemination of information.

69.04.850 - Construction—1945 c 257.

69.04.860 - Effective date of chapter—1945 c 257.

69.04.880 - Civil penalty.