Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 67.16 - Horse Racing.
67.16.014 - Washington horse racing commission—Ex officio nonvoting members.

RCW 67.16.014
Washington horse racing commission—Ex officio nonvoting members.

In addition to the commission members appointed under RCW 67.16.012, there shall be four ex officio nonvoting members consisting of: (1) Two members of the senate, one from the majority political party and one from the minority political party, both to be appointed by the president of the senate; and (2) two members of the house of representatives, one from the majority political party and one from the minority political party, both to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. The appointments shall be for the term of two years or for the period in which the appointee serves as a legislator, whichever expires first. Members may be reappointed, and vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments are made. The ex officio members shall assist in the policy making, rather than administrative, functions of the commission, and shall collect data deemed essential to future legislative proposals and exchange information with the commission. The ex officio members shall be deemed engaged in legislative business while in attendance upon the business of the commission and shall be limited to such allowances therefor as otherwise provided in RCW 44.04.120, the same to be paid from the horse racing commission fund as being expenses relative to commission business.

[ 1991 c 270 § 2; 1987 c 453 § 3.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 67 - Sports and Recreation—Convention Facilities

Chapter 67.16 - Horse Racing.

67.16.010 - Definitions.

67.16.012 - Washington horse racing commission—Creation—Terms—Vacancies—Bonds—Oaths.

67.16.014 - Washington horse racing commission—Ex officio nonvoting members.

67.16.015 - Washington horse racing commission—Organization—Secretary—Records—Annual reports.

67.16.017 - Washington horse racing commission—Compensation and travel expenses.

67.16.020 - Duties of commission—Race meet license—Suspension.

67.16.040 - Commission to regulate and license meets—Inspection.

67.16.045 - Criminal history records—Dissemination.

67.16.050 - Application for meet—Issuance of license—Fee—Cancellation, grounds, procedure.

67.16.060 - Prohibited practices—Parimutuel system permitted—Race meet as public nuisance.

67.16.065 - Use of public assistance electronic benefit cards prohibited—Licensee to report violations.

67.16.070 - Races for local breeders.

67.16.075 - Breeder's awards and owner's bonuses—Eligibility—Certification.

67.16.080 - Horses to be registered.

67.16.090 - Races not limited to horses of same breed.

67.16.100 - Disposition of fees—"Fair fund."

67.16.101 - Legislative finding—Responsibilities of horse racing commission—Availability of interest on one percent of gross receipts to support nonprofit race meets.

67.16.102 - Withholding of additional one percent of gross receipts—Payment to owners—Interest payment on one percent and amount retained by commission—Reimbursement for new racetracks.

67.16.105 - Gross receipts—Commission's percentage—Distributions.

67.16.110 - Broadcasting and motion picture rights reserved.

67.16.130 - Nonprofit race meets—Licensing—Fees.

67.16.140 - Employees of commission—Employment restriction.

67.16.150 - Employees of commission—Commissioners—Financial interest restrictions.

67.16.160 - Rules implementing conflict of interest laws—Wagers by commissioner.

67.16.170 - Gross receipts—Retention of percentage by licensees.

67.16.175 - Exotic wagers—Retention of percentage by race meets.

67.16.200 - Parimutuel wagering at satellite locations—Simulcasts.

67.16.230 - Satellite locations—Fees.

67.16.251 - Handicapping contests.

67.16.260 - Advance deposit wagering.

67.16.270 - Violation of commission rules—Penalties.

67.16.275 - Washington horse racing commission Washington bred owners' bonus fund and breeder awards account.

67.16.280 - Washington horse racing commission operating account.

67.16.285 - Washington horse racing commission class C purse fund account.

67.16.300 - Industrial insurance premium assessments.

67.16.900 - Severability—General repealer—1933 c 55.