RCW 60.90.120
Notice to spouse, domestic partner.
The claim of wage lien, when filed as required by this chapter, constitutes notice to the spouse or the domestic partner of the person who appears on record to be the owner of the property sought to be charged with the wage lien, and subjects all the community interest of both spouses or both domestic partners to the wage lien.
[ 2021 c 102 § 13.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 60.90 - Washington Wage Recovery Act.
60.90.020 - Wage liens—Effect on ownership or title in certain property.
60.90.030 - Establishing wage liens on property pursuant to RCW 60.90.020.
60.90.040 - Financial statement filings.
60.90.070 - Wage lien foreclosure.
60.90.080 - Lien foreclosure—Enforcement—Joinder—Consolidation of actions.
60.90.090 - Wage lien extinguished—Form.
60.90.100 - Priority among wage liens—Real property—Personal property—Wage lien not effective, when.
60.90.120 - Notice to spouse, domestic partner.
60.90.900 - Short title—2021 c 102.