RCW 59.30.080
Immunity from suit.
The attorney general, director, or individuals acting on behalf of the attorney general or director are immune from suit in any action, civil or criminal, based upon any disciplinary actions or other official acts performed in the course of their duties under this chapter, except their intentional or willful misconduct.
[ 2007 c 431 § 5.]
Implementation—2007 c 431: See note following RCW 59.30.010.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 59 - Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 59.30 - Manufactured/mobile Home Communities—Dispute Resolution and Registration.
59.30.010 - Findings—Purpose—Intent.
59.30.030 - Dispute resolution program—Purpose—Attorney general duties.
59.30.040 - Dispute resolution program—Complaint process.
59.30.050 - Registration process, fees.
59.30.070 - Manufactured/mobile home dispute resolution program account.