Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 58.28 - Townsites on United States Land—Acquisition of Land.
58.28.240 - Plats—Filing.

RCW 58.28.240

The plat thereof must be made in triplicate on a scale of not less than eighty feet to an inch, which must be duly certified under oath by the surveyor, one of which must be filed with the county auditor of the county wherein such unincorporated town is situated, one must be deposited in the proper United States land office, and one with such judge. These plats shall constitute public records, and must each be accompanied by a copy of the field notes, and the county auditor must make a record of such plat in a book to be kept by him or her for that purpose, and such county auditor must file such copy of said field notes in his or her office. The said surveyor must number and survey the blocks as divided by the roads, and streets opened and generally used and for which a public necessity exists, at the time of making such survey, and must number the several lots consecutively in each block, and all other parcels of land within said unincorporated town as herein provided, which said numbers must be a sufficient description of any parcel of land represented on said plats. Said survey and plat thereof shall conform as nearly as may be to the existing rights, interest, and claims of the occupants thereof, but no lot in the center or business portion of said unincorporated town shall exceed in area four thousand two hundred feet, and no suburban lot in such unincorporated town shall exceed two acres in area.

[ 2010 c 8 § 18012; 1909 c 231 § 24; RRS § 11508. Prior: 1888 c 124 pp 216-220.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 58 - Boundaries and Plats

Chapter 58.28 - Townsites on United States Land—Acquisition of Land.

58.28.010 - Councils' duties when townsites on United States land.

58.28.020 - Councils' duties when townsites on United States land—Survey and plat.

58.28.030 - Councils' duties when townsites on United States land—Plats—Filing.

58.28.040 - Councils' duties when townsites on United States land—Survey, notice of—Bids for—Franchises continued.

58.28.050 - Contents of plat.

58.28.060 - Monuments—Location, placement requisites.

58.28.070 - Monuments—Markings—Surveyor's certificate on plat.

58.28.080 - Plats filed—Auditor's fee.

58.28.090 - Assessments.

58.28.100 - Notice of possession filed—Assessment and fee—Certificate—Council record.

58.28.110 - Deficiency assessment—When payable.

58.28.120 - Deed to claimants—Actions contesting title, limitations on.

58.28.130 - Entries on mineral lands—Rights of claimants.

58.28.140 - Conflicting claims—Procedure.

58.28.150 - Notice of filing patent—Abandonment of claim.

58.28.160 - Sale of unoccupied lots—Notice—Minimum price.

58.28.170 - Lands for school and municipal purposes—Funds.

58.28.180 - Effect of informalities—Certificate or deed as prima facie evidence.

58.28.190 - Corporate authorities to act promptly.

58.28.200 - Proof requisite to delivery of deed.

58.28.201 - Title to vacated lots by occupancy and improvements.

58.28.202 - Controversies, by whom settled—Review.

58.28.203 - Platted lands declared dedicated to public use.

58.28.204 - Appeals—Procedure.

58.28.210 - Unincorporated towns on United States land—Superior court judge to file claim.

58.28.220 - Petition to superior court judge—Contents—Procedure.

58.28.230 - Survey and plat—Boundaries—Monuments.

58.28.240 - Plats—Filing.

58.28.250 - Survey, notice of—Bids for—Franchises continued.

58.28.260 - Contents of plat.

58.28.270 - Monuments—Location, placement requisites.

58.28.280 - Monuments—Markings—Surveyor's certificate on plat.

58.28.290 - Plats filed—Auditor's fee.

58.28.300 - Assessments—Disposition—Employment of attorney authorized.

58.28.310 - Notice of possession filed—Assessment and fee—Certificate—Judge's record.

58.28.320 - Deficiency assessment—When payable.

58.28.330 - Deed to claimants—Actions contesting title, limitations on.

58.28.340 - Entries on mineral lands—Rights of claimants.

58.28.350 - Conflicting claims—Procedure.

58.28.360 - Proof of right—Costs upon failure of both conflicting parties.

58.28.370 - Notice of filing patent.

58.28.380 - Abandonment of claim.

58.28.390 - Sale of unoccupied lots—Notice—Minimum price.

58.28.400 - Lands for school and public purposes—Expenses as charge against fund.

58.28.410 - Disposition of excess money—Special fund.

58.28.420 - Effect of informalities—Certificate or deed as prima facie evidence.

58.28.430 - Proof requisite to delivery of deed.

58.28.440 - Platted lands declared dedicated to public use.

58.28.450 - Clerk's duties when judge trustee.

58.28.460 - Accounting and depositing money—Promptness.

58.28.470 - Records filed with county clerk.

58.28.480 - Judge, a trustee for purposes herein.

58.28.490 - Appellate review—Procedure.

58.28.500 - Succession of trust.

58.28.510 - Title to vacated lots by occupancy and improvements.

58.28.520 - Controversies, by whom settled—Review.