Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 54.16 - Powers.
54.16.097 - Actions against officer, employee, or agent—Defense and costs provided by public utility district—Exception.

RCW 54.16.097
Actions against officer, employee, or agent—Defense and costs provided by public utility district—Exception.

Whenever any action, claim, or proceeding is instituted against any person who is or was an officer, employee, or agent of a public utility district established under this title arising out of the performance or failure of performance of duties for, or employment with any such district, the commission of the district may grant a request by such person that the attorney of the district's choosing be authorized to defend said claim, suit, or proceeding, and the costs of defense, attorney's fees, and any obligation for payment arising from such action may be paid from the district's funds: PROVIDED, That costs of defense and/or judgment or settlement against such person shall not be paid in any case where the court has found that such person was not acting in good faith or within the scope of his or her employment with or duties for the district.

[ 2010 c 8 § 17007; 1975 c 60 § 2.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 54 - Public Utility Districts

Chapter 54.16 - Powers.

54.16.005 - Definitions.

54.16.010 - Surveys, plans, investigations, or studies.

54.16.020 - Acquisition of property and rights—Eminent domain.

54.16.030 - Water and irrigation works.

54.16.032 - Authority to assist customers in the acquisition of water conservation equipment—Limitations.

54.16.035 - Provision of water service beyond district subject to review by boundary review board.

54.16.040 - Electric energy.

54.16.050 - Water rights.

54.16.060 - Intertie lines.

54.16.070 - District may borrow money, contract indebtedness, issue bonds or obligations—Guaranty fund.

54.16.080 - Levy and collection of taxes—Tax anticipation warrants.

54.16.083 - Community revitalization financing—Public improvements.

54.16.085 - Interfund loans.

54.16.090 - Contracts with other agencies or utilities—Gifts, etc.—Employees and experts—Advancements.

54.16.092 - Employment interview expenses.

54.16.095 - Liability insurance for officials and employees.

54.16.097 - Actions against officer, employee, or agent—Defense and costs provided by public utility district—Exception.

54.16.100 - Manager—Appointment—Compensation—Duties.

54.16.110 - May sue and be sued—Claims.

54.16.120 - Local utility districts authorized.

54.16.130 - Local districts—Procedure—Financing.

54.16.140 - Petition or resolution for local district—Hearing—Notice.

54.16.142 - Local utility districts—Notice must contain statement that assessments may vary from estimates.

54.16.145 - Local utility districts—Sanitary sewer or potable water facilities—Notice to certain property owners.

54.16.150 - Procedure when petition is signed by majority of landowners.

54.16.160 - Assessment roll—Hearing—Appellate review—Expenses.

54.16.165 - Segregation of assessments.

54.16.170 - Apportionment of cost of improvement.

54.16.180 - Sale, lease, disposition of properties, equipment, and materials—Procedure—Acquisition, operation of sewage system by districts in certain counties.

54.16.190 - General resolutions.

54.16.200 - Joint exercise of powers and joint acquisition of properties.

54.16.220 - Columbia river hydroelectric projects—Grant back of easements to former owners.

54.16.230 - Sewage system works—Acquire, construct, operate, etc.—Authorizing election—Procedure.

54.16.240 - Sewage system works—Resolution or petition—Voter approval or rejection.

54.16.250 - Sewage system works—Ballot proposition—Canvass.

54.16.260 - Sewage system works—Accounts and funding.

54.16.270 - Sewage system works—Existing authority not affected.

54.16.280 - Energy conservation plan—Financing authorized for energy conservation projects in structures or equipment—Limitations.

54.16.281 - Energy conservation—Utility cool roof program—Tree planting program.

54.16.285 - Limitations on termination of utility service for residential heating.

54.16.300 - Combined utility functions.

54.16.310 - Operation, maintenance, and inspection of sewage disposal facilities, septic tanks, and wastewater disposal facilities and systems—Maintenance costs.

54.16.320 - Assumption of substandard water system—Limited immunity from liability.

54.16.330 - Telecommunications facilities—Purposes—Limitations—Provision of telecommunications services—Eminent domain (as amended by 2021 c 293).

54.16.340 - Wholesale telecommunications services—Petition for review of rates, terms, conditions.

54.16.350 - Tariff for irrigation pumping service—Authority to buy back electricity.

54.16.360 - Cooperative watershed management.

54.16.370 - Purchase of electric power and energy from joint operating agency.

54.16.380 - Appliance repair service—Operation by district.

54.16.385 - Appliance repair service—Requirements.

54.16.390 - Environmental mitigation activities.

54.16.400 - Voluntary donations for purposes of urban forestry.

54.16.405 - Voluntary donations for purpose of supporting hunger programs.

54.16.410 - Supply of water to be used in pumped storage generating facilities—Requirements—Contract, resolution.

54.16.415 - Retail telecommunications services—Reporting requirements.

54.16.425 - Retail telecommunications services—Payment in lieu of property tax.

54.16.430 - Electrification of transportation plan—Considerations—Incentive programs.