Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 54.04 - General Provisions.
54.04.085 - Electrical facility construction or improvement—Bid proposals—Contract proposal forms—Conditions for issuance—Appeals.

RCW 54.04.085
Electrical facility construction or improvement—Bid proposals—Contract proposal forms—Conditions for issuance—Appeals.

A district shall require that bid proposals upon any construction or improvement of any electrical facility shall be made upon contract proposal form supplied by the district commission, and in no other manner. The district commission shall, before furnishing any person, firm or corporation desiring to bid upon any electrical work with a contract proposal form, require from such person, firm or corporation, answers to questions contained in a standard form of questionnaire and financial statement, including a complete statement of the financial ability and experience of such person, firm, or corporation in performing electrical work. Such questionnaire shall be sworn to before a notary public or other person authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds, and shall be submitted once a year and at such other times as the district commission may require. Whenever the district commission is not satisfied with the sufficiency of the answers contained in such questionnaire and financial statement or whenever the district commission determines that such person, firm, or corporation does not meet all of the requirements hereinafter set forth it may refuse to furnish such person, firm or corporation with a contract proposal form and any bid proposal of such person, firm or corporation must be disregarded. In order to obtain a contract proposal form, a person, firm or corporation shall have all of the following requirements:
(1) Adequate financial resources, or the ability to secure such resources;
(2) The necessary experience, organization, and technical qualifications to perform the proposed contract;
(3) The ability to comply with the required performance schedule taking into consideration all of its existing business commitments;
(4) A satisfactory record of performance, integrity, judgment and skills; and
(5) Be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations.
Such refusal shall be conclusive unless appeal therefrom to the superior court of the county where the utility district is situated or Thurston county be taken within fifteen days, which appeal shall be heard summarily within ten days after the same is taken and on five days' notice thereof to the district commission.

[ 1971 ex.s. c 220 § 2.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 54 - Public Utility Districts

Chapter 54.04 - General Provisions.

54.04.010 - Definitions.

54.04.020 - Districts authorized.

54.04.030 - Restrictions on invading other municipalities.

54.04.035 - Annexation of territory.

54.04.037 - Annexation of territory—Coordination among county officials.

54.04.039 - County with federal nuclear reservation within its boundaries—Special procedure for addition or withdrawal of territory from public utility district.

54.04.040 - Utilities within a city or town—Restrictions.

54.04.045 - Locally regulated utilities—Attachments to poles—Rates—Contracting.

54.04.050 - Group employee insurance—Deferred compensation plans—Supplemental savings plans.

54.04.055 - Employee benefits—District may continue to pay premiums after employee retires.

54.04.060 - District elections.

54.04.070 - Contracts for work or materials—Notice—Exemptions—Unit priced contracts.

54.04.080 - Bids—Deposit—Low bidder claiming error—Contract—Bond—Definitions.

54.04.082 - Alternative bid procedure.

54.04.085 - Electrical facility construction or improvement—Bid proposals—Contract proposal forms—Conditions for issuance—Appeals.

54.04.090 - Minimum wages.

54.04.092 - Application of RCW 54.04.070 through 54.04.090 to certain service provider agreements under chapter 70A.140 RCW.

54.04.100 - Wholesale power—Procedure as to rate filing—Definition—Duty to furnish to district.

54.04.120 - Planning powers.

54.04.130 - Employee benefit plans when private utility acquired—Rights, powers and duties as to existing private employee benefit plans.

54.04.140 - Employee benefit plans when private utility acquired—Admission to district's employee plan—Service credit—Contributions—Benefits.

54.04.150 - Employee benefit plans when private utility acquired—Agreements and contracts—Prior rights preserved.

54.04.160 - Assumption of obligations of private pension plan when urban transportation system acquired.

54.04.170 - Collective bargaining authorized for employees.

54.04.180 - Collective bargaining authorized for districts.

54.04.190 - Production and distribution of biodiesel, ethanol, and ethanol blend fuels—Crop purchase contracts for dedicated energy crops—Production and utilization of renewable natural gas and renewable hydrogen—Sale of renewable natural gas, green...