RCW 50.04.075
Dislocated worker.
(1) With respect to claims with an effective date prior to July 1, 2012, "dislocated worker" means any individual who:
(a) Has been terminated or received a notice of termination from employment;
(b) Is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation benefits; and
(c) Is unlikely to return to employment in the individual's principal occupation or previous industry because of a diminishing demand for their skills in that occupation or industry.
(2) With respect to claims with an effective date on or after July 1, 2012, "dislocated worker" means any individual who:
(a) Has been involuntarily and indefinitely separated from employment as a result of a permanent reduction of operations at the individual's place of employment, has separated from a declining occupation, or has separated from employment as a result of chapter 179, Laws of 2018; and
(b) Is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation benefits.
[ 2018 c 179 § 11; 2011 c 4 § 12; 1984 c 181 § 1.]
Contingent effective date—2011 c 4 §§ 7-15: See note following RCW 50.20.099.
Conflict with federal requirements—2011 c 4: See note following RCW 50.29.021.
Dislocated worker's eligibility for benefits: RCW 50.20.043.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 50 - Unemployment Compensation
50.04.020 - Base year—Alternative base year.
50.04.065 - Common paymaster or pay agent.
50.04.073 - Contributions—As including "payments in lieu of contributions"—Scope.
50.04.075 - Dislocated worker.
50.04.110 - Employment—Situs of service.
50.04.115 - Employment—Out-of-state service, election.
50.04.116 - Employment—Out-of-state service, when included—"American employer" defined.
50.04.120 - Employment—Localized service.
50.04.140 - Employment—Exception tests.
50.04.145 - Employment—Exclusions.
50.04.148 - Employment—Services performed by musician or entertainer.
50.04.150 - Employment—Agricultural labor.
50.04.152 - Employment—Farm internship program.
50.04.155 - Service performed in agricultural labor for farm operator or crew leader.
50.04.160 - Employment—Domestic service.
50.04.165 - Employment—Corporate officers—Election of coverage—Notification.
50.04.170 - Employment—Maritime service—Exceptions.
50.04.180 - Family employment.
50.04.205 - Services performed by aliens.
50.04.206 - Employment—Nonresident alien.
50.04.210 - Employment—Foreign governmental service.
50.04.220 - Employment—Service covered by federal act.
50.04.223 - Employment—Massage therapist.
50.04.225 - Employment—Barber and cosmetology services.
50.04.232 - Employment—Travel services.
50.04.235 - Employment—Outside salesperson paid by commission.
50.04.240 - Employment—Newspaper vendor, carrier, or delivery person.
50.04.246 - Employment—Amateur sports officials.
50.04.248 - Employment—Third-party payer.
50.04.255 - Employment—Appraisal practitioner services.
50.04.265 - Employment—Indian tribes.
50.04.270 - Employment—Casual labor.
50.04.275 - Employment—Small performing arts.
50.04.280 - Employment—"Pay period" determination.
50.04.290 - Employment office.
50.04.294 - Misconduct—Gross misconduct.
50.04.295 - Payments in lieu of contributions.
50.04.298 - Professional employer organizations—Coemployment—Covered employee.
50.04.299 - Public health emergency.
50.04.320 - Wages, remuneration.
50.04.330 - Wages, remuneration—Retirement and disability payments excepted.
50.04.335 - Wages, remuneration—Stock transfers excepted.
50.04.340 - Wages, remuneration—Death benefits excepted.
50.04.350 - Wages, remuneration—Excepted payments.
50.04.900 - Construction—Title applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.