RCW 47.42.063
Signs visible from primary system in commercial and industrial areas—Preexisting signs—Permissible signs—Spacing.
(1) Signs within six hundred and sixty feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way lawfully erected and maintained which are visible from the main traveled way of the primary system within commercial and industrial areas on June 1, 1971 shall be permitted to remain and be maintained.
(2) Signs within six hundred and sixty feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way which are visible from the main traveled way of the primary system within commercial and industrial areas whose size, lighting, and spacing are consistent with customary use as set forth in RCW 47.42.062 may be erected and maintained. Signs lawfully erected and maintained on June 1, 1971 shall be included in the determination of spacing requirements for additional signs.
[ 1975 1st ex.s. c 271 § 4; 1971 ex.s. c 62 § 8.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 47 - Public Highways and Transportation
Chapter 47.42 - Highway Advertising Control Act—Scenic Vistas Act.
47.42.010 - Declaration of purpose.
47.42.025 - Exclusions from scenic system.
47.42.030 - Signs visible from interstate, primary, or scenic systems restricted.
47.42.040 - Permissible signs classified.
47.42.045 - Number of signs—Spacing—Tourist facility, business or agricultural signs.
47.42.050 - Information signs by governmental units.
47.42.055 - Roadside area information panels or displays.
47.42.060 - Rules for signs visible from interstate and scenic systems—Judicial review.
47.42.065 - Signs viewable from other highways or streets—Requirements.
47.42.070 - State and local prohibitions.
47.42.080 - Public nuisance—Abatement—Penalty.
47.42.090 - Revocation of permit.
47.42.100 - Preexisting signs—Moratorium.
47.42.102 - Compensation for removal of signs—Authorized—Applicability.
47.42.103 - Compensation for removal—Action determining amount—Payment—State's share.
47.42.104 - Compensation for removal—Federal share—Acceptance.
47.42.105 - Unavailability of federal share.
47.42.107 - Compensation for removal under local authority.
47.42.110 - Agreements for federal aid.
47.42.120 - Permits—Application—Fees—Renewal—Permissible acts—Revocation.
47.42.130 - Permit identification number.
47.42.140 - Scenic areas designated.
47.42.901 - Severability—1963 ex.s. c 3.
47.42.910 - Short title—1961 c 96.