RCW 47.36.280
Pavement marking standards.
The department of transportation shall, by January 1, 1992, adopt minimum pavement marking standards for the area designating the limits of the vehicle driving lane along the right edge for arterials that do not have curbs or sidewalks and are inside urbanized areas. In preparing the standards, the department of transportation shall take into consideration all types of pavement markings, including flat, raised, and recessed markings, and their effect on pedestrians, bicycle, and motor vehicle safety.
The standards shall provide that a jurisdiction shall conform to these requirements, at such time thereafter that it undertakes to (1) renew or install permanent markings on the existing or new roadway, and (2) remove existing nonconforming raised pavement markers at the time the jurisdiction prepares to resurface the roadway, or earlier, at its option. These standards shall be in effect, as provided in this section, unless the legislative authority of the local governmental body finds that special circumstances exist affecting vehicle and pedestrian safety that warrant a variance to the standard.
For the purposes of this section, "urbanized area" means an area designated as such by the United States bureau of census and having a population of more than fifty thousand. Other jurisdictions that install pavement marking material on the right edge of the roadway shall do so in a manner not in conflict with the minimum state standard.
[ 1991 c 214 § 4.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 47 - Public Highways and Transportation
Chapter 47.36 - Traffic Control Devices.
47.36.010 - Restoration of United States survey markers.
47.36.020 - Traffic control signals.
47.36.022 - Traffic control signals—Duration of yellow change interval.
47.36.025 - Vehicle-activated traffic control signals—Detection of motorcycles and bicycles.
47.36.040 - Furnished by department, paid for by counties and cities.
47.36.050 - Duty to erect traffic devices on state highways and railroad crossings.
47.36.060 - Traffic devices on county roads and city streets.
47.36.070 - Failure to erect signs, procedure.
47.36.080 - Signs at railroad crossings.
47.36.090 - Cooperation with United States on road markers.
47.36.095 - Highway designation system—Signs.
47.36.097 - Highway designation system—Filing.
47.36.100 - Directional, caution, and stop signs.
47.36.110 - Stop signs, "Yield" signs—Duties of persons using highway.
47.36.130 - Meddling with signs prohibited.
47.36.141 - Bus shelters—Advertising.
47.36.180 - Forbidden devices—Penalty.
47.36.200 - Signs or flaggers at thoroughfare work sites—Penalty.
47.36.260 - Signs indicating proper lane usage.
47.36.270 - Regional shopping center directional signs.
47.36.280 - Pavement marking standards.
47.36.290 - State park directional signs.
47.36.300 - Supplemental directional signs—Erection by local governments.
47.36.310 - Motorist information signs—Interstate highways—Contents, placement, fees.
47.36.330 - Motorist information signs—Maximum number and distance.
47.36.340 - Motorist information signs—Lodging.
47.36.350 - Motorist information signs—Installation time.