RCW 41.35.720
Employer contribution rates.
The required contribution rates to the retirement system for employers shall be established by the director from time to time as may be necessary upon the advice of the state actuary. The state actuary shall use the aggregate actuarial cost method to calculate contribution rates. The employer contribution rate calculated under this section shall be used only for the purpose of determining the amount of employer contributions to be deposited in the plan 2 fund from the total employer contributions collected under RCW 41.35.090.
Any increase in the contribution rate required as the result of a failure of an employer to make any contribution required by this section shall be borne in full by the employer not making the contribution.
The director shall notify all employers of any pending adjustment in the required contribution rate and such increase shall be announced at least thirty days prior to the effective date of the change.
The employer's contribution shall be remitted directly to the department within fifteen days following the end of the calendar month during which the payroll period ends.
[ 1998 c 341 § 213.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 41 - Public Employment, Civil Service, and Pensions
Chapter 41.35 - Washington School Employees' Retirement System.
41.35.015 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.
41.35.020 - System created—Administration.
41.35.033 - Membership—Service credit—Substitute employees—Rules.
41.35.035 - Membership in system—Charter school employers and employees.
41.35.040 - Nonelective position held for at least nine months—Deemed to be eligible position, when.
41.35.070 - Duty disability retirement recipients—Continued service credit.
41.35.080 - Members agree to deductions.
41.35.090 - Employer's contribution—Computation—Billing.
41.35.110 - Disability retirement—Criminal conduct.
41.35.115 - Death benefit—Course of employment—Occupational disease or infection.
41.35.120 - False statements—Penalty.
41.35.130 - Transfer of service credit from statewide city employees' retirement system.
41.35.140 - Hearing prior to appeal required—Notice.
41.35.150 - Hearing prior to appeal required—Conduct of hearing.
41.35.160 - Judicial review in accordance with administrative procedure act.
41.35.170 - Appeal—No bond required.
41.35.180 - Service credit—Computation.
41.35.1801 - Prior service—One-half service credit.
41.35.183 - Purchase of additional service credit—Costs—Rules.
41.35.190 - Effect of certain accumulated vacation leave on retirement benefits.
41.35.200 - Benefit calculation—Limitation.
41.35.210 - Post-retirement cost-of-living.
41.35.220 - Options for payment of retirement allowances—Court-approved property settlement.
41.35.235 - Purchase of life annuity benefit.
41.35.399 - Provisions applicable to plan 2 and plan 3.
41.35.400 - Computation of retirement allowance.
41.35.410 - Lump sum retirement allowance—Reentry—Reinstatement of service.
41.35.420 - Retirement eligibility.
41.35.423 - Member with terminal illness—Removal from system.
41.35.430 - Employer and member contribution rates.
41.35.440 - Earned disability allowance—Disposition upon death of recipient.
41.35.450 - Application for and effective date of retirement allowances.
41.35.470 - Leaves of absence, military service.
41.35.480 - Vested membership.
41.35.490 - Refund of contributions.
41.35.510 - Transfer to plan 3—Irrevocable option.
41.35.599 - Provisions applicable to plan 2.
41.35.600 - Provisions applicable to plan 3—Plan 3 elements.
41.35.610 - Choice of membership in plan 2 or plan 3.
41.35.612 - Right to waive benefit—Irrevocable choice.
41.35.620 - Computation of retirement allowance.
41.35.630 - Additional payment.
41.35.640 - Application for and effective date of retirement allowances.
41.35.650 - Leaves of absence, military service.
41.35.660 - Purchased service credit—Allocation.
41.35.670 - Lump sum payments—Reentry.
41.35.680 - Retirement eligibility.
41.35.683 - Member with terminal illness—Removal from system.
41.35.690 - Earned disability allowance—Disposition upon death of recipient.
41.35.700 - Restored, purchased service credit under plan 2—Transfer to plan 3.
41.35.720 - Employer contribution rates.
41.35.900 - Benefits not contractual right until September 1, 2000.