Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 41.05 - State Health Care Authority.
41.05.021 - State health care authority—Director—Cost control and delivery strategies—Health information technology—Managed competition—Rules.

RCW 41.05.021
State health care authority—Director—Cost control and delivery strategies—Health information technology—Managed competition—Rules.

(1) The Washington state health care authority is created within the executive branch. The authority shall have a director appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the governor. The director may employ a deputy director, and such assistant directors and special assistants as may be needed to administer the authority, who shall be exempt from chapter 41.06 RCW, and any additional staff members as are necessary to administer this chapter. The director may delegate any power or duty vested in him or her by law, including authority to make final decisions and enter final orders in hearings conducted under chapter 34.05 RCW. The primary duties of the authority shall be to: Administer insurance benefits for employees, retired or disabled state and school employees, and school employees; administer the basic health plan pursuant to chapter 70.47 RCW; administer the children's health program pursuant to chapter 74.09 RCW; study state purchased health care programs in order to maximize cost containment in these programs while ensuring access to quality health care; implement state initiatives, joint purchasing strategies, and techniques for efficient administration that have potential application to all state-purchased health services; and administer grants that further the mission and goals of the authority. The authority's duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) To administer health care benefit programs for employees, retired or disabled state and school employees, and school employees as specifically authorized in RCW 41.05.065 and 41.05.740 and in accordance with the methods described in RCW 41.05.075, 41.05.140, and other provisions of this chapter;
(b) To analyze state purchased health care programs and to explore options for cost containment and delivery alternatives for those programs that are consistent with the purposes of those programs, including, but not limited to:
(i) Creation of economic incentives for the persons for whom the state purchases health care to appropriately utilize and purchase health care services, including the development of flexible benefit plans to offset increases in individual financial responsibility;
(ii) Utilization of provider arrangements that encourage cost containment, including but not limited to prepaid delivery systems, utilization review, and prospective payment methods, and that ensure access to quality care, including assuring reasonable access to local providers, especially for employees and school employees residing in rural areas;
(iii) Coordination of state agency efforts to purchase drugs effectively as provided in RCW 70.14.050;
(iv) Development of recommendations and methods for purchasing medical equipment and supporting services on a volume discount basis;
(v) Development of data systems to obtain utilization data from state purchased health care programs in order to identify cost centers, utilization patterns, provider and hospital practice patterns, and procedure costs, utilizing the information obtained pursuant to RCW 41.05.031; and
(vi) In collaboration with other state agencies that administer state purchased health care programs, private health care purchasers, health care facilities, providers, and carriers:
(A) Use evidence-based medicine principles to develop common performance measures and implement financial incentives in contracts with insuring entities, health care facilities, and providers that:
(I) Reward improvements in health outcomes for individuals with chronic diseases, increased utilization of appropriate preventive health services, and reductions in medical errors; and
(II) Increase, through appropriate incentives to insuring entities, health care facilities, and providers, the adoption and use of information technology that contributes to improved health outcomes, better coordination of care, and decreased medical errors;
(B) Through state health purchasing, reimbursement, or pilot strategies, promote and increase the adoption of health information technology systems, including electronic medical records, by hospitals as defined in RCW 70.41.020, integrated delivery systems, and providers that:
(I) Facilitate diagnosis or treatment;
(II) Reduce unnecessary duplication of medical tests;
(III) Promote efficient electronic physician order entry;
(IV) Increase access to health information for consumers and their providers; and
(V) Improve health outcomes;
(C) Coordinate a strategy for the adoption of health information technology systems using the final health information technology report and recommendations developed under chapter 261, Laws of 2005;
(c) To analyze areas of public and private health care interaction;
(d) To provide information and technical and administrative assistance to the board;
(e) To review and approve or deny applications from counties, municipalities, and other political subdivisions of the state to provide state-sponsored insurance or self-insurance programs to their employees in accordance with the provisions of RCW 41.04.205 and (g) of this subsection, setting the premium contribution for approved groups as outlined in RCW 41.05.050;
(f) To review and approve or deny the application when the governing body of a tribal government applies to transfer their employees to an insurance or self-insurance program administered by the public employees' benefits board. In the event of an employee transfer pursuant to this subsection (1)(f), members of the governing body are eligible to be included in such a transfer if the members are authorized by the tribal government to participate in the insurance program being transferred from and subject to payment by the members of all costs of insurance for the members. The authority shall: (i) Establish the conditions for participation; (ii) have the sole right to reject the application; and (iii) set the premium contribution for approved groups as outlined in RCW 41.05.050. Approval of the application by the authority transfers the employees and dependents involved to the insurance, self-insurance, or health care program administered by the public employees' benefits board;
(g) To ensure the continued status of the employee insurance or self-insurance programs administered under this chapter as a governmental plan under section 3(32) of the employee retirement income security act of 1974, as amended, the authority shall limit the participation of employees of a county, municipal, school district, educational service district, or other political subdivision, the Washington health benefit exchange, or a tribal government, including providing for the participation of those employees whose services are substantially all in the performance of essential governmental functions, but not in the performance of commercial activities. Charter schools established under chapter 28A.710 RCW are employers and are school employees' benefits board organizations unless:
(i) The authority receives guidance from the internal revenue service or the United States department of labor that participation jeopardizes the status of plans offered under this chapter as governmental plans under the federal employees' retirement income security act or the internal revenue code; or
(ii) The charter schools are not in compliance with regulations issued by the internal revenue service and the United States treasury department pertaining to section 414(d) of the federal internal revenue code;
(h) To establish billing procedures and collect funds from school employees' benefits board organizations in a way that minimizes the administrative burden on districts;
(i) Through December 31, 2019, to publish and distribute to nonparticipating school districts and educational service districts by October 1st of each year a description of health care benefit plans available through the authority and the estimated cost if school districts and educational service district employees were enrolled;
(j) To apply for, receive, and accept grants, gifts, and other payments, including property and service, from any governmental or other public or private entity or person, and make arrangements as to the use of these receipts to implement initiatives and strategies developed under this section;
(k) To issue, distribute, and administer grants that further the mission and goals of the authority;
(l) To adopt rules consistent with this chapter as described in RCW 41.05.160 including, but not limited to:
(i) Setting forth the criteria established by the public employees' benefits board under RCW 41.05.065, and by the school employees' benefits board under RCW 41.05.740, for determining whether an employee or school employee is eligible for benefits;
(ii) Establishing an appeal process in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW by which an employee or school employee may appeal an eligibility determination;
(iii) Establishing a process to assure that the eligibility determinations of an employing agency comply with the criteria under this chapter, including the imposition of penalties as may be authorized by the board;
(m)(i) To administer the medical services programs established under chapter 74.09 RCW as the designated single state agency for purposes of Title XIX of the federal social security act;
(ii) To administer the state children's health insurance program under chapter 74.09 RCW for purposes of Title XXI of the federal social security act;
(iii) To enter into agreements with the department of social and health services for administration of medical care services programs under Titles XIX and XXI of the social security act and programs under chapters 71.05, 71.24, and 71.34 RCW. The agreements shall establish the division of responsibilities between the authority and the department with respect to mental health, chemical dependency, and long-term care services, including services for persons with developmental disabilities. The agreements shall be revised as necessary, to comply with the final implementation plan adopted under section 116, chapter 15, Laws of 2011 1st sp. sess.;
(iv) To adopt rules to carry out the purposes of chapter 74.09 RCW;
(v) To appoint such advisory committees or councils as may be required by any federal statute or regulation as a condition to the receipt of federal funds by the authority. The director may appoint statewide committees or councils in the following subject areas: (A) Health facilities; (B) children and youth services; (C) blind services; (D) medical and health care; (E) drug abuse and alcoholism; (F) rehabilitative services; and (G) such other subject matters as are or come within the authority's responsibilities. The statewide councils shall have representation from both major political parties and shall have substantial consumer representation. Such committees or councils shall be constituted as required by federal law or as the director in his or her discretion may determine. The members of the committees or councils shall hold office for three years except in the case of a vacancy, in which event appointment shall be only for the remainder of the unexpired term for which the vacancy occurs. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms. Members of such state advisory committees or councils may be paid their travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 as now existing or hereafter amended;
(n) To review and approve or deny the application from the governing board of the Washington health benefit exchange to provide public employees' benefits board state-sponsored insurance or self-insurance programs to employees of the exchange. The authority shall (i) establish the conditions for participation; (ii) have the sole right to reject an application; and (iii) set the premium contribution for approved groups as outlined in RCW 41.05.050.
(2) The public employees' benefits board and the school employees' benefits board may implement strategies to promote managed competition among employee and school employee health benefit plans. Strategies may include but are not limited to:
(a) Standardizing the benefit package;
(b) Soliciting competitive bids for the benefit package;
(c) Limiting the state's contribution to a percent of the lowest priced qualified plan within a geographical area;
(d) Monitoring the impact of the approach under this subsection with regards to: Efficiencies in health service delivery, cost shifts to subscribers, access to and choice of managed care plans statewide, and quality of health services. The health care authority shall also advise on the value of administering a benchmark employer-managed plan to promote competition among managed care plans.

[ 2018 c 260 § 6; 2018 c 201 § 7002; 2017 3rd sp.s. c 13 § 803; 2012 c 87 § 23; 2011 1st sp.s. c 15 § 56; 2009 c 537 § 4. Prior: 2007 c 274 § 1; 2007 c 114 § 3; 2006 c 103 § 2; 2005 c 446 § 1; 2002 c 142 § 1; 1999 c 372 § 4; 1997 c 274 § 1; 1995 1st sp.s. c 6 § 7; 1994 c 309 § 1; prior: 1993 c 492 § 215; 1993 c 386 § 6; 1990 c 222 § 3; 1988 c 107 § 4.]

Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2018 c 201 § 7002 and by 2018 c 260 § 6, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).

Findings—Intent—Effective date—2018 c 201: See notes following RCW 41.05.018.

Intent—2017 3rd sp.s. c 13: See note following RCW 28A.150.410.

Effective date—2012 c 87 §§ 4, 16, 18, and 19-23: See note following RCW 43.71.030.

Spiritual care services—2012 c 87: See RCW 43.71.901.

Effective date—Findings—Intent—Report—Agency transfer—References to head of health care authority—Draft legislation—2011 1st sp.s. c 15: See notes following RCW 74.09.010.

Effective date—2009 c 537: See note following RCW 41.05.008.

Intent—Effective date—2007 c 114: See notes following RCW 41.05.011.

Intent—2006 c 103: "(1) The legislature recognizes that improvements in the quality of health care lead to better health care outcomes for the residents of Washington state and contain health care costs. The improvements are facilitated by the adoption of electronic medical records and other health information technologies.
(2) It is the intent of the legislature to encourage all hospitals, integrated delivery systems, and providers in the state of Washington to adopt health information technologies by the year 2012." [ 2006 c 103 § 1.]

Effective date—1997 c 274: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 1997." [ 1997 c 274 § 10.]

Effective date—1995 1st sp.s. c 6: See note following RCW 28A.400.410.

Findings—Intent—1993 c 492: See notes following RCW 43.20.050.

Short title—Savings—Reservation of legislative power—Effective dates—1993 c 492: See RCW 43.72.910 through 43.72.915.

Intent—1993 c 386: See note following RCW 28A.400.391.

Effective date—1993 c 386 §§ 1, 2, 4-6, 8-10, and 12-16: See note following RCW 28A.400.391.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 41 - Public Employment, Civil Service, and Pensions

Chapter 41.05 - State Health Care Authority.

41.05.004 - Intent—Use of word "board."

41.05.006 - Purpose.

41.05.008 - Duties of employing agencies.

41.05.009 - Determination of employee or school employee eligibility for benefits.

41.05.0091 - Eligibility exists prior to January 1, 2010.

41.05.011 - Definitions.

41.05.013 - State purchased health care programs—Uniform policies—Report to the legislature.

41.05.014 - Applications, enrollment forms, and eligibility certification documents—Signatures.

41.05.015 - Medical director—Appointment of personnel.

41.05.017 - Provisions applicable to health plans offered under this chapter.

41.05.018 - Transfer of certain behavioral health-related powers, duties, and functions from the department of social and health services.

41.05.021 - State health care authority—Director—Cost control and delivery strategies—Health information technology—Managed competition—Rules.

41.05.022 - State agent for purchasing health services—Single community-rated risk pool.

41.05.023 - Chronic care management program—Uniform medical plan—Definitions.

41.05.026 - Contracts—Proprietary data, trade secrets, actuarial formulas, statistics, cost and utilization data—Exemption from public inspection—Executive sessions.

41.05.031 - Agencies to establish health care information systems.

41.05.033 - Shared decision-making demonstration project—Preference-sensitive care.

41.05.035 - Exchange of health information—Pilot—Advisory board, discretionary—Administrator's authority.

41.05.036 - Health information—Definitions.

41.05.037 - Nurse hotline, when funded.

41.05.039 - Health information—Secure access—Lead organization—Administrator's duties.

41.05.042 - Health information—Processes, guidelines, and standards.

41.05.046 - Health information—Conflict with federal requirements.

41.05.050 - Contributions for employees and dependents—Definitions.

41.05.055 - Public employees' benefits board—Members.

41.05.065 - Public employees' benefits board—Duties—Eligibility—Definitions—Penalties.

41.05.066 - Domestic partner benefits.

41.05.068 - Federal employer incentive program—Authority to participate.

41.05.074 - Public employees—Prior authorization standards and criteria—Health plan requirements—Definitions.

41.05.075 - Employee benefit plans—Contracts with insuring entities—Performance measures—Financial incentives—Health information technology.

41.05.080 - Participation in insurance plans and contracts—Retired, disabled, or separated employees—Certain surviving spouses, state registered domestic partners, and dependent children.

41.05.085 - Retired state employee and retired or disabled school employee health insurance subsidy.

41.05.090 - Continuation of coverage of employee, spouse, or covered dependent ineligible under state plan—Exceptions.

41.05.095 - Coverage for dependents under the age of twenty-six.

41.05.100 - Chapter not applicable to certain employees of Cooperative Extension Service.

41.05.110 - Chapter not applicable to officers and employees of state convention and trade center.

41.05.120 - Public employees' and retirees' insurance account—School employees' insurance account.

41.05.123 - Flexible spending administrative account—Salary reduction account—School employees' benefits board flexible spending and dependent care administrative account—School employees' benefits board salary reduction account.

41.05.130 - State health care authority administrative account—School employees' insurance administrative account.

41.05.140 - Payment of claims—Self-insurance—Insurance reserve fund created.

41.05.143 - Uniform medical plan benefits administration account—Uniform dental plan benefits administration account—School employees' benefits board medical benefits administrative account—School employees' benefits board dental benefits administrat...

41.05.160 - Rules.

41.05.165 - Rules—Insurance benefit reimbursement.

41.05.170 - Neurodevelopmental therapies—Employer-sponsored group contracts.

41.05.175 - Prescribed, self-administered anticancer medication.

41.05.177 - Prostate cancer screening—Required coverage.

41.05.180 - Mammograms—Insurance coverage.

41.05.183 - General anesthesia services for dental procedures—Public employee benefit plans.

41.05.185 - Diabetes benefits—State purchased health care.

41.05.188 - Eosinophilic gastrointestinal associated disorder—Elemental formula.

41.05.195 - Medicare supplemental insurance policies.

41.05.197 - Medicare supplemental insurance policies.

41.05.205 - Tricare supplemental insurance policy—Authority to offer—Rules.

41.05.220 - Community and migrant health centers—Maternity health care centers—People of color—Underserved populations.

41.05.225 - Blind licensees in the business enterprises program—Plan of health insurance.

41.05.240 - American Indian health care delivery plan.

41.05.280 - Department of corrections—Inmate health care.

41.05.295 - Dependent care assistance program—Health care authority—Powers, duties, and functions.

41.05.300 - Salary reduction agreements—Authorized.

41.05.310 - Salary reduction plan—Policies and procedures—Plan document.

41.05.320 - Salary reduction plan—Eligibility—Participation, withdrawal.

41.05.330 - Salary reduction plan—Accounts and records.

41.05.340 - Salary reduction plan—Termination—Amendment.

41.05.350 - Salary reduction plan—Rules.

41.05.360 - Salary reduction plan—Construction.

41.05.400 - Plan of health care coverage—Available funds—Components—Eligibility—Administrator's duties.

41.05.405 - Public option plans—Availability—Hospital contracts—Recommendations.

41.05.410 - Qualified health plans—Contract for—Requirements—Cost and quality data.

41.05.413 - Qualified health plans—Reimbursement limit—Waiver.

41.05.420 - Plan of health care coverage—Prescription insulin drug cost limits—Cost sharing.

41.05.430 - Plan of health care coverage—Immediate postpartum contraception devices.

41.05.520 - Pharmacy connection program—Notice.

41.05.525 - Treatment of opioid use disorder—Prior authorization.

41.05.526 - Withdrawal management services—Substance use disorder treatment services—Prior authorization—Utilization review—Medical necessity review.

41.05.527 - Opioid overdose reversal medication bulk purchasing and distribution program.

41.05.528 - Standard set of criteria—Medical necessity for substance use disorder treatment—Substance use disorder levels of care—Rules.

41.05.530 - Prescription drug assistance, education—Rules.

41.05.533 - Medication synchronization policy required for health benefit plans covering prescription drugs—Requirements—Definitions.

41.05.540 - State employee health program—Requirements—Report.

41.05.550 - Prescription drug assistance foundation—Nonprofit and tax-exempt corporation—Definitions—Liability.

41.05.600 - Mental health services—Definition—Coverage required, when.

41.05.601 - Mental health services—Rules.

41.05.630 - Annual report of customer service complaints and appeals.

41.05.650 - Community health care collaborative grant program—Grants—Administrative support—Eligibility.

41.05.651 - Rules—2009 c 299.

41.05.660 - Community health care collaborative grant program—Award and disbursement of grants.

41.05.670 - Chronic care management incentives—Provider reimbursement methods.

41.05.680 - Report—Chronic care management.

41.05.690 - Performance measures committee—Membership—Selection of performance measures—Benchmarks for purchasing decisions—Public process for evaluation of measures.

41.05.700 - Reimbursement of health care services provided through telemedicine or store and forward technology—Audio-only telemedicine.

41.05.730 - Ground emergency medical transportation services—Medicaid reimbursement—Calculation—Federal approval—Department's duties.

41.05.735 - Ground emergency medical transportation services—Medicaid reimbursement—Intergovernmental transfer program—Federal approval—Authority's duties.

41.05.740 - School employees' benefits board.

41.05.742 - Single enrollment requirement.

41.05.744 - School employee eligibility during COVID-19 state of emergency.

41.05.745 - School employees' benefits board—Employee-paid, voluntary benefits—Optional benefits.

41.05.750 - Problem and pathological gambling treatment program.

41.05.751 - Problem gambling account.

41.05.760 - Recovery residences—Registry.

41.05.761 - Recovery residences—Technical assistance for residences seeking certification.

41.05.762 - Recovery residences—Revolving fund.

41.05.765 - Insulin drugs—Cap on enrollee's required payment amount—Cost-sharing requirements.

41.05.820 - Qualified requirement for health carrier in insurance holding company to offer silver and gold health plans.

41.05.830 - Coverage for hearing instruments—Definitions.

41.05.840 - Universal health care commission.

41.05.890 - Certain health care and financial related data provided to authority—Exempt from disclosure.

41.05.900 - Short title.

41.05.901 - Implementation—Effective dates—1988 c 107.