Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 38.52 - Emergency Management.
38.52.580 - State agency communication plan for emergencies and disasters—Copy to legislature—Report.

RCW 38.52.580
State agency communication plan for emergencies and disasters—Copy to legislature—Report.

Beginning December 1, 2019, a state agency that provides life safety information in an emergency or disaster must provide, to the relevant committees of the legislature, a copy of its current communication plan for notifying significant population segments of such information, including the agency's point of contact. The state agency must also submit an annual report to the relevant committees of the legislature identifying those instances of emergency or disaster in the preceding year in which life safety information was provided and what public messaging strategies and means were used to notify citizens with limited English proficiency.

[ 2017 c 312 § 2.]

Finding—Intent—2017 c 312: "The legislature finds that, as a matter of human dignity, all persons should be informed of emergency notifications in a manner in which they can understand. It is the intent of the legislature that all persons who may be in harm's way in an emergency are informed of their peril, and informed of appropriate actions they should take to protect themselves and their families." [ 2017 c 312 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 38 - Militia and Military Affairs

Chapter 38.52 - Emergency Management.

38.52.005 - State military department to administer emergency management program—Local organizations authorized to change name.

38.52.010 - Definitions.

38.52.020 - Declaration of policy and purpose.

38.52.030 - Director—Comprehensive emergency management plan—Statewide 911 emergency communications network—State coordinator of search and rescue operations—State program for emergency assistance—State coordinator for radioactive and hazardous waste...

38.52.037 - Comprehensive state mine rescue plan—Submittal to legislature.

38.52.040 - Emergency management council—Members—Ad hoc committees—Rules review—Function as state emergency response commission—Intrastate mutual aid committee.

38.52.050 - Governor's general powers and duties.

38.52.070 - Local organizations and joint local organizations authorized—Establishment, operation—Emergency powers, procedures—Communication plans.

38.52.073 - Communication plan status report—Life safety information communication report.

38.52.080 - Outside aid—Rights and liabilities—Claims.

38.52.091 - Mutual aid and interlocal agreements—Requirements.

38.52.100 - Appropriations—Acceptance of funds, services, etc.

38.52.105 - Disaster response account.

38.52.110 - Use of existing services and facilities—Impressment of citizenry—First informer broadcasters.

38.52.115 - Liability of federal, state, and local agencies, and employees—Facilitation of access of first informer broadcaster.

38.52.120 - Political activity prohibited.

38.52.140 - Status of civil service employee preserved.

38.52.150 - Orders, rules, regulations—Enforcement—Availability—Penalty.

38.52.160 - Matching funds from political subdivision may be required.

38.52.170 - Plan for federal area.

38.52.180 - Liability for property damage, bodily injury, death—Immunity—Assumption by state—Indemnification—Immunity from liability for covered volunteers.

38.52.190 - Compensation for injury or death—Chapter exclusive.

38.52.195 - Exemption from liability while providing construction, equipment, or work.

38.52.1951 - Application of exemption from liability for architects and engineers.

38.52.198 - Emergency care, rescue, assistance, or recovery services in mine rescue or recovery work—Immunity from liability.

38.52.200 - Liability for compensation is in lieu of other liability—Exception.

38.52.205 - Claims arising from emergency management related activities—Filing—Contents.

38.52.207 - Claims arising from emergency management related activities—Filing—Consideration, adjustment, settlement, etc., by director—Effect.

38.52.210 - Compensation boards—Established.

38.52.220 - Compensation boards—Meetings—Claims not necessitating board meeting.

38.52.230 - Compensation boards—Attendance of witnesses, oaths, rules—Members uncompensated.

38.52.240 - Compensation boards—Duties as to compensation applications.

38.52.250 - Compensation boards—Quorum—Transmittal of minutes, claims—Appeal to department.

38.52.260 - When compensation furnished.

38.52.270 - Minors entitled to benefits.

38.52.280 - Compensation and benefits limited by appropriation.

38.52.290 - Applicability of workers' compensation law.

38.52.300 - Right of action against third party.

38.52.310 - Coverage, classification, registration, of workers.

38.52.320 - Schedule of payments.

38.52.330 - Expenditures authorized—Claims, payment and disposition—Appeals.

38.52.340 - Benefits under other compensation plans.

38.52.350 - Benefits furnished under federal law—Reduction of state benefits.

38.52.360 - Medical, surgical or hospital treatment.

38.52.370 - Medical, surgical or hospital treatment—Reimbursement.

38.52.380 - State compensation denied if payment prevents federal benefits.

38.52.390 - Contracts or work on cost basis for emergency management activities.

38.52.400 - Search and rescue activities—Powers and duties of local officials.

38.52.410 - Search and rescue activities—Distribution of funds for compensation and reimbursement of volunteers.

38.52.420 - Model contingency plan for pollution control facilities and hazardous waste management.

38.52.430 - Emergency response caused by person's intoxication—Recovery of costs from convicted person.

38.52.440 - Assistance for persons with disabilities present at scene of emergency—Assessment and report—Definitions.

38.52.500 - Statewide 911 telephone service—Finding.

38.52.501 - Statewide 911 emergency communications service—Findings.

38.52.505 - Statewide 911 emergency service—Automatic location identification—Rules.

38.52.510 - Statewide 911 communications systems—Funding by counties—State patrol public safety answering point.

38.52.520 - State 911 coordination office.

38.52.525 - State 911 coordination office—Public education materials.

38.52.531 - 911 advisory committee.

38.52.532 - 911 advisory committee—Annual legislative update—Modernization—Public safety answering points.

38.52.535 - State 911 coordination office and advisory committee—Uniform national standards.

38.52.540 - 911 account.

38.52.545 - Priorities for 911 funding.

38.52.550 - Emergency communications systems and information—Immunity from civil liability.

38.52.561 - 911 calls from radio communications and interconnected voice over internet protocol service companies—Technical and operational standards.

38.52.575 - Information in automatic number identification or automatic location identification database that is part of county 911 emergency communications system—Other information associated with county 911 emergency communications system—Exemption...

38.52.577 - Information from automatic number identification, automatic location identification database, or voluntarily submitted for inclusion in emergency notification system—Exemption from public inspection and copying.

38.52.580 - State agency communication plan for emergencies and disasters—Copy to legislature—Report.

38.52.900 - Short title.

38.52.920 - Repeal and saving.

38.52.930 - Transfer of powers, duties, and functions to state military department.

38.52.940 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.