RCW 36.87.120
Appraised value as basis for compensation—Appraisal costs.
Any ordinance adopted pursuant to this chapter may require that compensation for the vacation of county roads within particular classes shall equal all or a percentage of the appraised value of the vacated road as of the effective date of the vacation. In determining the appropriate compensation for the road or right-of-way, the board may adjust the appraised value to reflect the value of the transfer of liability or risk, the increased value to the public in property taxes, the avoided costs for management or maintenance, and any limits on development or future public benefit. Costs of county appraisals of roads pursuant to such ordinances shall be deemed expenses incurred in vacation proceedings, and shall be paid in the manner provided by RCW 36.87.070.
[ 2016 c 19 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 185 § 6.]
Intent—2016 c 19: "The intent of the legislature is to update outdated local road statutes to provide taxpayers with lower road maintenance costs and greater road efficiencies." [ 2016 c 19 § 1.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 36.87 - Roads and Bridges—Vacation.
36.87.010 - Resolution of intention to vacate.
36.87.020 - County road frontage owners' petition—Bond, cash deposit, or fee.
36.87.030 - County road frontage owners' petition—Action on petition.
36.87.040 - Engineer's report.
36.87.050 - Notice of hearing on report.
36.87.070 - Expense of proceeding.
36.87.080 - Majority vote required.
36.87.090 - Vacation of road unopened for five years—Exceptions.
36.87.100 - Classification of roads for which public expenditures made—Compensation of county.
36.87.110 - Classification of roads for which no public expenditures made—Compensation of county.
36.87.120 - Appraised value as basis for compensation—Appraisal costs.
36.87.130 - Vacation of roads abutting bodies of water—When authorized.
36.87.140 - Retention of easement for public utilities and services.