RCW 36.24.050
Power to summon witnesses—Subpoenas.
The coroner may issue subpoenas for witnesses returnable forthwith or at such time and place as the coroner may appoint, which may be served by any competent person. The coroner must summon and examine as witnesses, on oath administered by the coroner, every person, who, in his or her opinion or that of any of the jury, has any knowledge of the facts. A witness served with a subpoena may be compelled to attend and testify, or be punished by the coroner for disobedience, in like manner as upon a subpoena issued by a district judge.
[ 1987 c 202 § 203; 1963 c 4 § 36.24.050. Prior: (i) 1901 c 131 § 1, part; Code 1881 § 2780, part; 1863 p 560 § 6, part; 1854 p 436 § 6, part; RRS § 4184, part. (ii) Code 1881 § 2781; 1863 p 560 § 7; 1854 p 437 § 7; RRS § 4186.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 36.24 - County Coroner.
36.24.010 - To act as sheriff under certain conditions.
36.24.020 - Inquests—Jury—Venue—Payment of costs.
36.24.030 - Penalty for nonattendance of juror.
36.24.040 - Duty of coroner's jury—Oath.
36.24.050 - Power to summon witnesses—Subpoenas.
36.24.060 - Power to employ physician or surgeon—Compensation.
36.24.080 - Testimony reduced to writing in certain cases and witnesses recognized.
36.24.090 - Procedure where accused is under arrest.
36.24.100 - Procedure where accused is at large—Delivery of findings to the prosecuting attorney.
36.24.130 - Property of deceased.
36.24.140 - Duty of treasurer.
36.24.150 - Delivery to representatives.
36.24.160 - District judge may act as coroner.
36.24.170 - Coroner not to practice law.
36.24.180 - Audit of coroner's account.
36.24.190 - Medical examiner—When authorized—Election—Qualifications for appointment.
36.24.200 - Subpoena for production—Authority.
36.24.205 - Medicolegal forensic investigation training required.