Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 35A.33 - Budgets in Code Cities.
35A.33.052 - Preliminary budget.

RCW 35A.33.052
Preliminary budget.

The chief administrative officer shall prepare the preliminary budget in detail, making any revisions or addition to the reports of the department heads deemed advisable by such chief administrative officer and at least sixty days before the beginning of the city's next fiscal year he or she shall file it with the city clerk as the recommendation of the chief administrative officer for the final budget. The clerk shall provide a sufficient number of copies of such preliminary budget and budget message to meet the reasonable demands of taxpayers therefor and have them available for distribution not later than six weeks before the beginning of the city's next fiscal year.

[ 2009 c 549 § 3033; 1967 ex.s. c 119 § 35A.33.052.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 35A - Optional Municipal Code

Chapter 35A.33 - Budgets in Code Cities.

35A.33.010 - Definitions.

35A.33.020 - Applicability of chapter.

35A.33.030 - Budget estimates.

35A.33.040 - Classification and segregation of budget estimates.

35A.33.050 - Proposed preliminary budget.

35A.33.052 - Preliminary budget.

35A.33.055 - Budget message—Preliminary hearings.

35A.33.060 - Budget—Notice of hearing on final.

35A.33.070 - Budget—Hearing.

35A.33.075 - Budget adoption.

35A.33.080 - Emergency expenditures—Nondebatable emergencies.

35A.33.090 - Emergency expenditures—Other emergencies—Hearing.

35A.33.100 - Emergency expenditures—Warrants—Payments.

35A.33.102 - Registered warrants—Appropriations.

35A.33.105 - Adjustment of wages, etc., of employees permissible budget notwithstanding.

35A.33.110 - Forms—Accounting—Supervision by state.

35A.33.120 - Funds—Limitations on expenditures—Transfers and adjustments.

35A.33.122 - Administration, oversight, or supervision of utility—Reimbursement from utility budget authorized.

35A.33.125 - Limitation on expenditures—Void.

35A.33.130 - Funds received from sales of bonds and warrants—Expenditures program—Federal tax law.

35A.33.135 - Levy for ad valorem tax.

35A.33.140 - Funds—Quarterly report of status.

35A.33.145 - Contingency fund—Creation.

35A.33.146 - Contingency fund—Withdrawals.

35A.33.150 - Unexpended appropriations.

35A.33.160 - Violations and penalties.