Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 35A.13 - Council-Manager Plan of Government.
35A.13.090 - Creation of departments, offices, and employment—Compensation.

RCW 35A.13.090
Creation of departments, offices, and employment—Compensation.

On recommendation of the city manager or upon its own action, the council may create such departments, offices, and employments as it may find necessary or advisable and may determine the powers and duties of each department or office. Compensation of appointive officers and employees may be fixed by ordinance after recommendations are made by the city manager. The appointive officers shall include a city clerk and a chief of police or other law enforcement officer. Pursuant to recommendation of the city manager, the council shall make provision for obtaining legal counsel for the city, either by appointment of a city attorney on a full time or part time basis, or by any reasonable contractual arrangement for such professional services.

[ 1967 ex.s. c 119 § 35A.13.090.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 35A - Optional Municipal Code

Chapter 35A.13 - Council-Manager Plan of Government.

35A.13.010 - City officers—Size of council.

35A.13.020 - Election of councilmembers—Eligibility—Terms—Vacancies—Forfeiture of office—Council chair.

35A.13.030 - Mayor—Election—Chair to be mayor—Duties.

35A.13.033 - Election on proposition to designate person elected to position one as chair—Subsequent holders of position one to be chair.

35A.13.035 - Mayor pro tempore or deputy mayor.

35A.13.040 - Compensation of councilmembers—Expenses.

35A.13.050 - City manager—Qualifications.

35A.13.060 - City manager may serve two or more cities.

35A.13.070 - City manager—Bond and oath.

35A.13.080 - City manager—Powers and duties.

35A.13.090 - Creation of departments, offices, and employment—Compensation.

35A.13.100 - City manager—Department heads—Authority.

35A.13.110 - City manager—Appointment of subordinates—Qualifications—Terms.

35A.13.120 - City manager—Interference by councilmembers.

35A.13.130 - City manager—Removal—Resolution and notice.

35A.13.140 - City manager—Removal—Reply and hearing.

35A.13.150 - City manager—Substitute.

35A.13.160 - Oath and bond of officers.

35A.13.170 - Council meetings—Quorum—Rules—Voting.

35A.13.180 - Adoption of codes by reference.

35A.13.190 - Ordinances—Style—Requisites—Veto.

35A.13.200 - Authentication, recording and publication of ordinances.

35A.13.210 - Audit and allowance of demands against city.

35A.13.220 - Optional division of city into wards.

35A.13.230 - Powers of council.