RCW 3.50.040
Municipal judges—Appointed—Terms, qualifications—District judge as part-time municipal judge.
Within thirty days after the effective date of the ordinance creating the municipal court, the mayor of each city or town shall appoint a municipal judge or judges of the municipal court for a term of four years. The terms of judges serving on July 1, 1984, and municipal judges who are appointed to terms commencing before January 1, 1986, shall expire January 1, 1986. The terms of their successors shall commence on January 1, 1986, and on January 1 of each fourth year thereafter, pursuant to appointment or election as provided in this chapter. Appointments shall be made on or before December 1 of the year next preceding the year in which the terms commence.
The legislative authority of a city or town that has the general power of confirmation over mayoral appointments shall have the power to confirm the appointment of a municipal judge.
A person appointed as a full-time or part-time municipal judge shall be a citizen of the United States of America and of the state of Washington; and an attorney admitted to practice law before the courts of record of the state of Washington: PROVIDED, That in a municipality having a population less than five thousand persons, a person who has taken and passed by January 1, 2003, the qualifying examination for a lay candidate for judicial officer as provided by rule of the supreme court may be the judge. Any city or town shall have authority to appoint a district judge as its municipal judge when the municipal judge is not required to serve full time. In the event of the appointment of a district judge, the city or town shall pay a pro rata share of the salary.
[ 2002 c 136 § 2; 1984 c 258 § 106; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 35 § 1; 1961 c 299 § 53.]
Court Improvement Act of 1984—Effective dates—Severability—Short title—1984 c 258: See notes following RCW 3.30.010.
Application—1984 c 258 §§ 101-139: See note following RCW 3.50.005.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 3 - District Courts—Courts of Limited Jurisdiction
Chapter 3.50 - Municipal Courts—Alternate Provision.
3.50.010 - Municipal court authorized in cities of four hundred thousand or less.
3.50.030 - Violations bureau for traffic cases—Disposition of moneys collected.
3.50.045 - Judicial officers—Disqualification.
3.50.050 - Municipal judge may be elective position—Qualifications, term.
3.50.055 - Judicial positions—Filling—Circumstances permitted.
3.50.057 - Judges—Residency requirement.
3.50.060 - Termination of municipal court—Requirements—Establishment of court.
3.50.070 - Additional judges—Appointment, election.
3.50.075 - Court commissioners—Appointment—Qualification—Limitations—Part-time judge.
3.50.092 - Presiding judge pro tempore—Predesignation or appointment.
3.50.093 - Municipal judge—Vacancy—Appointment.
3.50.095 - Municipal judge—Removal from office.
3.50.097 - Judge's oath—Bonds.
3.50.100 - Revenue—Disposition—Interest.
3.50.115 - Municipal court seal.
3.50.125 - Transfer within municipal court.
3.50.300 - Execution of sentence—Jail in lieu of fine and costs, computation.
3.50.320 - Suspension or deferral of sentence—Change of plea—Dismissal.
3.50.330 - Suspension or deferral of sentence—Continuing jurisdiction of court.
3.50.340 - Revocation of deferred or suspended sentence—Limitations—Termination of probation.
3.50.345 - Sentencing—Crimes against property—Criminal history check.
3.50.355 - Offender supervision by another state.
3.50.425 - Issuance of criminal process.
3.50.430 - Criminal prosecution in city's name for violation of ordinances.
3.50.440 - Penalty if no other punishment prescribed.
3.50.450 - Pleadings, practice and procedure not provided for governed by district court law.
3.50.810 - Termination of municipal court—Notice.
3.50.815 - Criminal justice responsibilities—Interlocal agreements.