Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 30A.42 - Alien Banks.
30A.42.030 - Authorization and compliance with chapter required.

RCW 30A.42.030
Authorization and compliance with chapter required.

An alien bank shall not establish and operate an office or bureau in this state unless it is authorized to do so by the director and unless it first complies with all of the provisions of this chapter and then only to the extent expressly permitted by this chapter.

[ 1994 c 92 § 81; 1973 1st ex.s. c 53 § 3. Formerly RCW 30.42.030.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 30A - Washington Commercial Bank Act

Chapter 30A.42 - Alien Banks.

30A.42.010 - Purpose.

30A.42.020 - Definitions.

30A.42.030 - Authorization and compliance with chapter required.

30A.42.040 - More than one office prohibited.

30A.42.050 - Acquisition or serving on board of directors or trustees of other financial institutions prohibited.

30A.42.060 - Conditions to be met before opening office in state.

30A.42.070 - Allocated paid-in capital—Requirements.

30A.42.080 - Separate assets—Books and records—Priority as to assets.

30A.42.090 - Approval of application—Criteria—Reciprocity.

30A.42.100 - Notice of approval—Filing—Time period for commencing business.

30A.42.105 - Power to make loans and to guarantee obligations.

30A.42.115 - Solicitation and acceptance of deposits.

30A.42.120 - Requirements for accepting deposits or transacting business.

30A.42.130 - Taking possession by director—Reasons—Disposition of deposits—Claims—Priorities.

30A.42.140 - Investigations—Examinations.

30A.42.145 - Examination reports and information—Confidential—Privileged—Penalty.

30A.42.150 - Loans subject to usury laws.

30A.42.155 - Powers and activities.

30A.42.160 - Powers as to real estate.

30A.42.170 - Advertising, status of federal insurance on deposits to be included—Gifts for new deposits.

30A.42.180 - Approved agencies—Powers and activities.

30A.42.190 - Bonding requirements for officers and employees.

30A.42.200 - Books and accounts—English language.

30A.42.210 - Bureaus—Application procedure.

30A.42.220 - Bureaus—Approval—Certificate of authority—Time limit for commencing business.

30A.42.230 - Bureaus—Number—Powers.

30A.42.240 - Bureaus—Examinations.

30A.42.250 - Temporary facilities at trade fairs, etc.

30A.42.260 - Reports.

30A.42.270 - Taxation.

30A.42.280 - Directors, officers, and employees—Duties, responsibilities and restrictions—Removal.

30A.42.290 - Compliance—Violations—Penalties.

30A.42.300 - Suspension or revocation of certificate to operate—Grounds.

30A.42.310 - Change of location.

30A.42.320 - Rules.

30A.42.330 - Fees.

30A.42.340 - Alien banks or branches in business on or before effective date.