Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 30A.22 - Financial Institution Individual Account Deposit Act.
30A.22.041 - Definitions.

RCW 30A.22.041

The definitions in this section apply throughout this section and RCW 30A.22.240 and 30A.22.245.
(1) "Customer" means any person, partnership, limited partnership, corporation, trust, or other legal entity that is transacting or has transacted business with a financial institution, that is using or has used the services of an institution, or for which a financial institution has acted or is acting as a fiduciary.
(2) "Financial institution" means state and national banks and trust companies, state and federal savings banks, state and federal savings and loan associations, and state and federal credit unions.
(3) "Law enforcement officer" means an employee of a public law enforcement agency organized under the authority of a county, city, or town and designated to obtain deposit account information by the chief law enforcement officer of that agency.

[ 2014 c 37 § 195; 1995 c 186 § 1. Formerly RCW 30.22.041.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 30A - Washington Commercial Bank Act

Chapter 30A.22 - Financial Institution Individual Account Deposit Act.

30A.22.010 - Short title.

30A.22.020 - Purposes.

30A.22.030 - Construction.

30A.22.040 - Definitions.

30A.22.041 - Definitions.

30A.22.050 - Types of accounts which financial institution may establish.

30A.22.060 - Requirements of contract of deposit.

30A.22.070 - Accounts of minors and incompetents.

30A.22.080 - Accounts of married persons.

30A.22.090 - Ownership of funds during lifetime of depositor.

30A.22.100 - Ownership of funds after death of a depositor.

30A.22.110 - Controversies between owners.

30A.22.120 - Right to rely on form of account—Discharge of financial institutions.

30A.22.130 - Rights as between individuals preserved.

30A.22.140 - Payment of funds to a depositor.

30A.22.150 - Payment to minors and incompetents.

30A.22.160 - Payment to trust and P.O.D. account beneficiaries.

30A.22.170 - Payment to agents of depositors.

30A.22.180 - Payment to personal representatives.

30A.22.190 - Payment to heirs and creditors of a deceased depositor.

30A.22.200 - Payment to foreign personal representative—Release of financial institution.

30A.22.210 - Authority to withhold payment—Vulnerable adults.

30A.22.220 - Adverse claim bond.

30A.22.230 - Authority to charge a customer for furnishing items or copies of items.

30A.22.240 - Records—Disclosure—Requests by law enforcement—Fees.

30A.22.245 - Records—Admission as evidence—Certificate.

30A.22.250 - No duty to request information.

30A.22.260 - Promotional contests of chance—Director's authority.

30A.22.900 - Effective date—1981 c 192.

30A.22.902 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.