Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 29A.60 - Canvassing.
29A.60.290 - Statewide election data and reporting standards—Secretary of state to develop, make rules.

RCW 29A.60.290
Statewide election data and reporting standards—Secretary of state to develop, make rules.

(1) The secretary of state must develop statewide election data and reporting standards for how election-related data is maintained and reported by each county auditor. The secretary may make reasonable rules as necessary to develop statewide standards.
(2) The statewide standards should focus on the goals of improving:
(a) The types of data files and procedures used to collect and maintain election information;
(b) The public's access to election data collected, reported, and made available by each county auditor including, but not limited to:
(i) Records of voters who were issued a ballot and voters who voted in an election, pursuant to RCW 29A.40.130;
(ii) Tabulation results made available pursuant to RCW 29A.60.160; and
(iii) Information collected and reported in the county election reconciliation report, pursuant to RCW 29A.60.235; and
(c) The efficient compilation of data from all counties for research and analysis of election practices and trends at a statewide level.
(3) The secretary of state may convene a work group, including county auditors and other interested stakeholders to evaluate how county election data is collected and maintained and to develop and recommend ways for improving election data reporting.
(4) The statewide standards must be made public with ongoing analysis on whether counties are in compliance with current standards.

[ 2016 c 134 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 29A - Elections

Chapter 29A.60 - Canvassing.

29A.60.010 - Conduct of elections—Canvass.

29A.60.021 - Write-in voting—Declaration of candidacy—Counting of vote.

29A.60.040 - Rejection of ballots or parts—Write-in votes.

29A.60.050 - Questions on validity of ballot—Rejection—Preservation and return.

29A.60.060 - Results after close of voting.

29A.60.070 - Returns, precinct and cumulative—Delivery.

29A.60.090 - Voting systems—Maintenance of documents.

29A.60.095 - Electronic voting devices—Record maintenance.

29A.60.100 - Votes by stickers, printed labels, rejected.

29A.60.110 - Ballot containers, sealing, opening.

29A.60.120 - Counting ballots—Official returns.

29A.60.125 - Damaged ballots.

29A.60.130 - Certificate not withheld for informality in returns.

29A.60.140 - Canvassing board—Membership—Authority—Delegation of authority—Rule making.

29A.60.150 - Procedure when member a candidate.

29A.60.160 - Ballots—Processing, canvassing.

29A.60.165 - Unsigned ballot declarations.

29A.60.170 - List of observers—Counting center, direction and observation of proceedings—Random check of counting equipment—Report.

29A.60.180 - Credit for voting.

29A.60.185 - Audit of results.

29A.60.190 - Certification of election results.

29A.60.195 - Provisional ballots—Disposition.

29A.60.200 - Canvassing board—Canvassing procedure—Penalty.

29A.60.210 - Recanvass—Generally.

29A.60.221 - Tie in primary or final election.

29A.60.230 - Abstract by election officer—Transmittal to secretary of state.

29A.60.235 - Reconciliation reports.

29A.60.240 - Secretary of state—Primary returns—State offices, etc.

29A.60.250 - Secretary of state—Final returns—Scope.

29A.60.260 - Canvass on statewide measures.

29A.60.270 - Local officers, beginning of terms—Organization of district boards of directors.

29A.60.280 - Local elected officials, commencement of term of office—Purpose.

29A.60.290 - Statewide election data and reporting standards—Secretary of state to develop, make rules.

29A.60.300 - Statewide survey of voted ballot rejection rates and reasons for rejections—Secretary of state to conduct and publish.