Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 29A.56 - Special Circumstances Elections.
29A.56.470 - Election of delegates—Administration.

RCW 29A.56.470
Election of delegates—Administration.

The election of delegates to the convention must as far as practicable, be administered, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, in the same manner as a general election under the election laws of this state.

[ 2003 c 111 § 1436; 1965 c 9 § 29.74.070. Prior: 1933 c 181 § 4, part; RRS § 5249-4, part. Formerly RCW 29.74.070.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 29A - Elections

Chapter 29A.56 - Special Circumstances Elections.

29A.56.020 - Date.

29A.56.031 - Submission of candidates by parties.

29A.56.040 - Procedures—Ballot form and arrangement.

29A.56.050 - Allocation of delegates—Party declarations.

29A.56.060 - Costs.

29A.56.080 - Definitions.

29A.56.082 - Designation of electors.

29A.56.084 - Pledge by electors.

29A.56.086 - Certificate of ascertainment.

29A.56.088 - Meeting of electors—Presiding officer—Elector vacancy.

29A.56.090 - Voting by electors.

29A.56.092 - Amended certificate of ascertainment—Certificate of vote.

29A.56.110 - Initiating proceedings—Statement—Contents—Verification—Definitions.

29A.56.120 - Petition—Where filed.

29A.56.130 - Ballot synopsis.

29A.56.140 - Determination by superior court—Correction of ballot synopsis.

29A.56.150 - Filing supporting signatures—Time limitations.

29A.56.160 - Petition—Form.

29A.56.170 - Petition—Size.

29A.56.180 - Number of signatures required.

29A.56.190 - Canvassing signatures—Time of—Notice.

29A.56.200 - Verification and canvass of signatures—Procedure—Statistical sampling.

29A.56.210 - Fixing date for recall election—Notice.

29A.56.220 - Response to petition charges.

29A.56.230 - Destruction of insufficient recall petition.

29A.56.240 - Fraudulent names—Record of.

29A.56.250 - Conduct of election—Contents of ballot.

29A.56.260 - Ascertaining the result—When recall effective.

29A.56.270 - Enforcement provisions—Mandamus—Appellate review.

29A.56.300 - States' agreement—Presidential election—National popular vote.

29A.56.310 - Date of election—Number.

29A.56.320 - Nomination—What names on ballots—How counted.

29A.56.340 - Time and place of meeting.

29A.56.350 - Compensation.

29A.56.360 - Slate of presidential electors.

29A.56.410 - Governor's proclamation calling convention—When.

29A.56.420 - Governor's proclamation calling convention—Publication.

29A.56.430 - Election of convention delegates—Date.

29A.56.440 - Time and place for convention.

29A.56.450 - Delegates—Number and qualifications.

29A.56.460 - Delegates—Declarations of candidacy.

29A.56.470 - Election of delegates—Administration.

29A.56.480 - Election of delegates—Ballots.

29A.56.490 - Election of delegates—Ascertaining result.

29A.56.500 - Meeting—Organization.

29A.56.510 - Quorum—Proceedings—Record.

29A.56.520 - Certification and transmittal of result.

29A.56.530 - Expenses—How paid—Delegates receive filing fee.

29A.56.540 - Federal statutes controlling.

29A.56.600 - Convention.

29A.56.610 - Nomination by convention—Dates.

29A.56.620 - Convention—Notice.

29A.56.630 - Nominating petition—Requirements.

29A.56.640 - Certificate of nomination—Requisites.

29A.56.650 - Multiple certificates of nomination.

29A.56.660 - Presidential electors—Selection at convention.

29A.56.670 - Certificate of nomination—Checking signatures—Appeal of determination.