Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 29A.36 - Ballots and Other Voting Forms.
29A.36.230 - Regional transportation investment district and regional transit authority single ballot.

RCW 29A.36.230
Regional transportation investment district and regional transit authority single ballot.

The election on the single ballot proposition described in RCW 36.120.070 and 81.112.030(10) must be conducted by the auditor of each component county in accordance with the general election laws of the state, except as provided in this section. Notice of the election must be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in each component county in the manner provided in the general election laws. The single joint ballot proposition required under RCW 36.120.070 and 81.112.030(10) must be in substantially the following form:
To reduce transportation congestion, increase road capacity, promote safety, facilitate mobility, provide for an integrated regional transportation system, and improve the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of Washington, shall a regional transit authority (RTA) implement a regional rail and transit system to link [insert geographic references] as described in [insert plan name], financed by [insert taxes] imposed by RTA, all as provided in Resolution No. [insert number]; and shall a regional transportation investment district (RTID) be formed and authorized to implement and invest in improving the regional transportation system by replacing vulnerable bridges, improving safety, and increasing capacity on state and local roads to further link major education, employment, and retail centers described in [insert plan name] financed by [insert taxes] imposed by RTID, all as provided in Resolution No. [insert number]; further provided that the RTA taxes shall be imposed only within the boundaries of the RTA, and the RTID taxes shall be imposed only within the boundaries of the RTID?
Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .□
No  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .□"

[ 2007 c 509 § 4.]

Findings—Intent—Constitutional challenges—Expedited appeals—Severability—Effective date—2007 c 509: See notes following RCW 36.120.070.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 29A - Elections

Chapter 29A.36 - Ballots and Other Voting Forms.

29A.36.010 - Certifying primary candidates.

29A.36.020 - Constitutional measures—Ballot title—Formulation, ballot display, certification.

29A.36.030 - Constitutional measures—Ballot title—Filing.

29A.36.040 - Constitutional questions—Notice of ballot title and summary.

29A.36.060 - Constitutional questions—Ballot title—Appeal.

29A.36.071 - Local measures—Ballot title—Formulation—Advertising.

29A.36.080 - Local measures—Ballot title—Notice.

29A.36.090 - Local measures—Ballot title—Appeal.

29A.36.101 - Names on primary ballot.

29A.36.111 - Uniformity, arrangement, contents required—Contracts with vendors.

29A.36.115 - Provisional ballots.

29A.36.121 - Order of positions or offices.

29A.36.131 - Order of candidates on ballots.

29A.36.151 - Sample ballots.

29A.36.161 - Arrangement of instructions, measures, offices—Order of candidates.

29A.36.170 - Top two candidates qualified for general election—Exception (as amended by 2013 c 11).

29A.36.180 - Disqualified candidates in nonpartisan elections—Special procedures for conduct of election.

29A.36.201 - Names qualified to appear on election ballot.

29A.36.210 - Property tax levies—Ballot form.

29A.36.220 - Expense of printing and mailing ballots, envelopes, and instructions.

29A.36.230 - Regional transportation investment district and regional transit authority single ballot.