Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.700 - Secondary Career and Technical Education.
28A.700.010 - Career and technical education—Plans—Standards—Technical assistance—Leadership development.

RCW 28A.700.010
Career and technical education—Plans—Standards—Technical assistance—Leadership development.

(1) To ensure high quality career and technical programs, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall periodically review and approve the plans of local districts for the delivery of career and technical education. Standards for career and technical programs shall be established by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall develop a schedule for career and technical education plan reapproval under this section that includes an abbreviated review process for programs reapproved after 2005, but before June 12, 2008. All school district career and technical education programs must meet the requirements of this section by August 31, 2010.
(2) To receive approval, school district plans must:
(a) Demonstrate how career and technical education programs will ensure academic rigor; align with the state's education reform requirements; help address the skills gap of Washington's economy; and maintain strong relationships with local career and technical education advisory councils for the design and delivery of career and technical education;
(b) Demonstrate a strategy to align the five-year planning requirement under the federal Carl Perkins act with the state and district career and technical program planning requirements that include:
(i) An assessment of equipment and technology needs to support the skills training of technical students;
(ii) An assessment of industry internships required for teachers to ensure the ability to prepare students for industry-defined standards or certifications, or both;
(iii) An assessment of the costs of supporting job shadows, mentors, community service and industry internships, and other activities for student learning in the community;
(iv) A description of the leadership activities to be provided for technical education students; and
(v) Annual local school board approval;
(c) Demonstrate that all preparatory career and technical education courses offered by the district meet the requirements of RCW 28A.700.030;
(d) Demonstrate progress toward meeting or exceeding the targets established under RCW 28A.700.040 of an increased number of career and technical programs in high-demand fields; and
(e) Demonstrate that approved career and technical programs maximize opportunities for students to earn dual credit for high school and college.
(3) To ensure high quality career education programs and services in secondary schools, the office of the superintendent of public instruction may provide technical assistance to local districts and develop state guidelines for the delivery of career guidance in secondary schools.
(4) To ensure leadership development, the staff of the office of the superintendent of public instruction may serve as the state advisors to Washington state FFA, Washington future business leaders of America, Washington DECA, Washington SkillsUSA, Washington family, career and community leaders, and Washington technology students association, and any additional career or technical student organizations that are formed. Working with the directors or executive secretaries of these organizations, the office of the superintendent of public instruction may develop tools for the coordination of leadership activities with the curriculum of technical education programs.
(5) As used in this section, "career and technical education" means a planned program of courses and learning experiences that begins with exploration of career options; supports basic academic and life skills; and enables achievement of high academic standards, leadership, options for high skill, high wage employment preparation, and advanced and continuing education.

[ 2008 c 170 § 101; 2001 c 336 § 2. Formerly RCW 28C.04.100.]