Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.600 - Students.
28A.600.500 - Graduation ceremonies—Tribal regalia.

RCW 28A.600.500
Graduation ceremonies—Tribal regalia.

(1) School districts and public schools may not prohibit students who are members of a federally recognized tribe from wearing traditional tribal regalia or objects of Native American cultural significance along with or attached to a gown at graduation ceremonies or related school events. School districts and public schools may not require such students to wear a cap if it is incompatible with the regalia or significant object.
(2) School districts and, when necessary, public schools shall update any relevant policies or procedures in accordance with this section.
(3) For the purposes of this section, "public schools" has the same meaning as in RCW 28A.150.010.

[ 2020 c 35 § 2.]

Intent—2020 c 35: "The legislature recognizes that relationships between sovereign governments are strengthened when decisions of mutual interest are based in a shared respect of cultural values. The legislature recognizes also that school districts, public schools, and institutions of higher education may use dress codes and other requirements to restrict the wearing of tribal regalia and objects of cultural significance at graduation ceremonies.
Although the restrictions may be premised on promoting uniformity, they are not appropriate in the context of government-to-government relationships and do not recognize the distinct and unique cultural heritage of Native Americans.
The legislature, therefore, intends to affirm inherent rights assured through tribal sovereignty and expressly acknowledge that students in public schools and institutions of higher education may wear traditional tribal regalia or objects of cultural significance at graduation ceremonies and related events." [ 2020 c 35 § 1.]

Applicability—2020 c 35: "Sections 2 and 4 of this act apply to the graduating class of 2020 and subsequent graduating classes." [ 2020 c 35 § 3.]

Short title—2020 c 35: "This act may be known and cited as the right to tribal regalia act." [ 2020 c 35 § 5.]

Effective date—2020 c 35: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 18, 2020]." [ 2020 c 35 § 6.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.600 - Students.

28A.600.006 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.600.010 - Enforcement of rules of conduct—Due process guarantees—Computation of days for short-term and long-term suspensions.

28A.600.015 - Expulsions and suspensions—Rules incorporating due process—Short-term and long-term suspensions—Emergency expulsions—Discretionary discipline.

28A.600.020 - Exclusion of student from classroom—Written disciplinary procedures—Long-term suspension or expulsion.

28A.600.022 - Suspended or expelled students—Reengagement plan.

28A.600.025 - Students' rights of religious expression—Duty of superintendent of public instruction to inform school districts.

28A.600.027 - Student expression in school-sponsored media.

28A.600.030 - Grading policies—Option to consider attendance.

28A.600.035 - Policies on secondary school access and egress.

28A.600.040 - Pupils to comply with rules and regulations.

28A.600.045 - Comprehensive guidance and planning programs for students.

28A.600.050 - State honors awards program established—Purpose.

28A.600.060 - State honors awards program—Areas included.

28A.600.070 - State honors awards program—Rules.

28A.600.080 - State honors awards program—Materials—Recognition by business and industry encouraged.

28A.600.100 - Washington scholars' program—Purpose.

28A.600.110 - Washington scholars' program—Established—Scope.

28A.600.120 - Washington scholars' program—Administration—Cooperation with other agencies.

28A.600.130 - Washington scholars' program—Planning committee—Composition—Duties.

28A.600.140 - Washington scholars' program—Principals' association to submit names to office of student financial assistance.

28A.600.150 - Washington scholars' program—Selection of scholars and scholars-alternates—Notification process—Certificates—Awards ceremony.

28A.600.160 - Educational pathways.

28A.600.190 - Youth sports—Concussion and head injury guidelines—Injured athlete restrictions—Short title.

28A.600.192 - Diagnosed concussions—Annual reports by public schools.

28A.600.195 - Sudden cardiac arrest in youth athletes—Online pamphlet—Online prevention program for coaches.

28A.600.200 - Interschool athletic and other extracurricular activities for students—Authority to regulate and impose penalties—Delegation of authority—Conditions.

28A.600.205 - Interscholastic activities—Appeals from noneligibility issues—Appeals committee—Appeals to Washington interscholastic activities association executive board—Limitations on penalties and sanctions.

28A.600.207 - Extracurricular activities—Streamlining fee collection.

28A.600.210 - School locker searches—Findings.

28A.600.220 - School locker searches—No expectation of privacy.

28A.600.230 - School locker searches—Authorization—Limitations.

28A.600.240 - School locker searches—Notice and reasonable suspicion requirements.

28A.600.280 - Dual credit programs—Annual report.

28A.600.285 - Dual credit programs—Impact on financial aid eligibility—Guidelines.

28A.600.287 - College in the high school program.

28A.600.290 - College in the high school program—Funding.

28A.600.300 - Running start program—Definition.

28A.600.310 - Running start program—Enrollment in institutions of higher education—Student fees—Fee waivers—Transmittal of funds.

28A.600.320 - Running start program—Information on enrollment.

28A.600.330 - Running start program—Maximum terms of enrollment for high school credit.

28A.600.340 - Running start program—Enrolled students not displaced.

28A.600.350 - Running start program—Enrollment for secondary and postsecondary credit.

28A.600.360 - Running start program—Enrollment in postsecondary institution—Determination of high school credits—Application toward graduation requirements.

28A.600.370 - Running start program—Postsecondary credit.

28A.600.380 - Running start program—School district not responsible for transportation.

28A.600.385 - Running start program—Cooperative agreements with community colleges in Oregon and Idaho.

28A.600.390 - Running start program—Rules.

28A.600.400 - Running start program—Existing agreements not affected.

28A.600.405 - Participation in high school completion pilot program—Eligible students—Funding allocations—Rules—Information for students and parents.

28A.600.410 - Alternatives to suspension—Encouraged.

28A.600.420 - Firearms on school premises, transportation, or facilities—Penalty—Exemptions.

28A.600.455 - Gang activity—Suspension or expulsion.

28A.600.460 - Classroom discipline—Policies—Classroom placement of student offenders—Data on disciplinary actions.

28A.600.475 - Exchange of information with law enforcement and juvenile court officials—Notification of parents and students.

28A.600.477 - Prohibition of harassment, intimidation, and bullying.

28A.600.480 - Reporting of harassment, intimidation, or bullying—Retaliation prohibited—Immunity.

28A.600.485 - Restraint of students—Use of restraint or isolation specified in individualized education programs or plans developed under section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973—Procedures—Summary of incidents of isolation or restraint—Publishi...

28A.600.486 - District policy on the use of isolation and restraint—Notice to parents and guardians of children who have individualized education programs or plans developed under section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973.

28A.600.490 - Discipline task force—Development of standard definitions—Development of data collection standards—Membership—Statewide student data system revision.

28A.600.500 - Graduation ceremonies—Tribal regalia.

28A.600.510 - Office of the education ombuds—Notification.