Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.343 - School Director Districts.
28A.343.650 - New first-class district having city with population of 400,000 people or more—Number and terms of directors.

RCW 28A.343.650
New first-class district having city with population of 400,000 people or more—Number and terms of directors.

Upon the establishment of a new school district of the first class having within its boundaries a city with a population of four hundred thousand people or more, the directors of the largest former first-class district and three directors representative of the other former first-class districts selected by a majority of the board members of the former first-class districts and two directors representative of former second-class districts selected by a majority of the board members of former second-class districts shall meet at the call of the educational service district superintendent and shall constitute the board of directors of the new district. Each board of directors so constituted shall proceed at once to organize in the manner prescribed by law and thereafter shall have all the powers and duties conferred by law upon boards of first-class districts, until the next regular school election and until their successors are elected and qualified. Such duties shall include establishment of new director districts as provided for in *RCW 28A.315.670. At the next regular school election seven directors shall be elected by director districts, two for a term of two years, two for a term of four years and three for a term of six years. Thereafter their terms shall be as provided in *RCW 28A.315.460.
Vacancies once such a board has been reconstituted shall not be filled unless the number of remaining board members is less than seven, and such vacancies shall be filled in the manner otherwise provided by law.

[ 1991 c 363 § 27; 1990 c 33 § 323; 1980 c 35 § 6; 1980 c 47 § 3. Prior: 1979 ex.s. c 183 § 5; 1979 ex.s. c 126 § 9; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 15 § 8; prior: 1975 1st ex.s. c 275 § 105; 1975 c 43 § 12; 1973 2nd ex.s. c 21 § 4; 1971 c 67 § 6. Formerly RCW 28A.315.630, 28A.57.358.]

*Reviser's note: RCW 28A.315.670 and 28A.315.460 were recodified as RCW 28A.343.660 and 28A.343.610, respectively, pursuant to 1999 c 315 § 805.

Purpose—Captions not law—1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180.

Severability—1980 c 35: See note following RCW 28A.343.300.

Severability—1980 c 47: See note following RCW 28A.343.300.

Effective date—Severability—1979 ex.s. c 183: See notes following RCW 28A.343.020.

Purpose—1979 ex.s. c 126: See RCW 29A.60.280(1).

Effective date—Severability—1975 c 43: See notes following RCW 28A.535.050.

Directors—First-class districts having city with population of 400,000 people or more—Terms: RCW 28A.343.610.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.343 - School Director Districts.

28A.343.010 - Director candidates in undivided districts—Indication of term sought—How elected.

28A.343.020 - Certain school districts—Election for formation of new school district.

28A.343.030 - Certain school districts—Election to authorize division in school districts not already divided into directors' districts.

28A.343.040 - Division or redivision of district into director districts.

28A.343.050 - Dissolution of directors' districts.

28A.343.060 - District boundary changes—Submission to county auditor.

28A.343.070 - Map of directors' districts.

28A.343.080 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.343.090 - Voluntary change to electoral system.

28A.343.100 - Governance training program.

28A.343.300 - Directors—Terms—Number.

28A.343.310 - Terms for directors in divided districts.

28A.343.320 - Declarations of candidacy—Positions as separate offices.

28A.343.330 - Ballots—Form.

28A.343.340 - When elected—Eligibility.

28A.343.350 - Residency.

28A.343.360 - Oath of office.

28A.343.370 - Vacancies.

28A.343.380 - Meetings.

28A.343.390 - Quorum—Failure to attend meetings.

28A.343.400 - Compensation—Waiver.

28A.343.600 - Certain first-class districts—Staggered terms.

28A.343.610 - First-class districts having city with population of 400,000 people or more—Directors' terms.

28A.343.620 - First-class districts containing no former first-class district—Number and terms of directors.

28A.343.630 - First-class districts containing only one former first-class district—Number and terms of directors.

28A.343.640 - First-class districts containing more than one former first-class district—Number and terms of directors.

28A.343.650 - New first-class district having city with population of 400,000 people or more—Number and terms of directors.

28A.343.660 - First-class districts having city with population of 400,000 people or more—Boundaries of director districts—Candidate eligibility—Declaration of candidacy—Primary limited to district voters—Terms of directors.

28A.343.670 - First-class districts having city with population of 400,000 people or more—Initial director district boundaries—Appointments to fill vacancies for new director districts—Director district numbers.

28A.343.680 - New second-class districts—Number and terms of directors.