Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.220 - Traffic Safety.
28A.220.900 - Purpose.

RCW 28A.220.900

It is the purpose of this act to provide the financial assistance necessary to enable each high school district to offer a course in traffic safety education and by that means to develop in the youth of this state a knowledge of the motor vehicle laws, an acceptance of personal responsibility on the public highways, and an understanding of the causes and consequences of traffic accidents, with an emphasis on the consequences, both physical and legal, of the use of drugs or alcohol in relation to operating a motor vehicle. The course in traffic safety education shall further provide to the youthful drivers of this state training in the skills necessary for the safe operation of motor vehicles.

[ 1991 c 217 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 218 § 7; 1963 c 39 § 1. Formerly RCW 28A.08.900, 46.81.900.]