Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.215 - Early Childhood, Preschools, and Before-and-After School Care.
28A.215.060 - Community learning center program—Purpose—Grants—Reports.

RCW 28A.215.060
Community learning center program—Purpose—Grants—Reports.

(1) The Washington community learning center program is established. The program shall be administered by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. The purposes of the program include:
(a) Supporting the creation or expansion of community learning centers that provide students with tutoring and educational enrichment when school is not in session;
(b) Providing training and professional development for community learning center program staff;
(c) Increasing public awareness of the availability and benefits of after-school programs; and
(d) Supporting statewide after-school intermediary organizations in their efforts to provide leadership, coordination, technical assistance, professional development, advocacy, and programmatic support to the Washington community learning center programs and after-school programs throughout the state.
(2)(a) Subject to funds appropriated for this purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction may provide community learning center grants to any public or private organization that meets the eligibility criteria of the federal twenty-first century community learning centers program.
(b) Priority may be given to grant requests submitted jointly by one or more schools or school districts and one or more community-based organizations or other nonschool partners.
(c) Priority may also be given to grant requests for after-school programs focusing on improving mathematics achievement, particularly for middle and junior high school students.
(d) Priority shall be given to grant requests that:
(i) Focus on improving reading and mathematics proficiency for students who attend schools that have been identified as being in need of improvement under section 1116 of Title I of the federal no child left behind act of 2001; and
(ii) Include a public/private partnership agreement or proposal for how to provide free transportation for those students in need that are involved in the program.
(3) Community learning center grant funds may be used to carry out a broad array of out-of-school activities that support and enhance academic achievement. The activities may include but need not be limited to:
(a) Remedial and academic enrichment;
(b) Mathematics, reading, and science education;
(c) Arts and music education;
(d) Entrepreneurial education;
(e) Community service;
(f) Tutoring and mentoring programs;
(g) Programs enhancing the language skills and academic achievement of limited English proficient students;
(h) Recreational and athletic activities;
(i) Telecommunications and technology education;
(j) Programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy;
(k) Drug and violence prevention, counseling, and character education programs; and
(l) Programs that assist students who have been truant, suspended, or expelled, to improve their academic achievement.
(4) Each community learning center grant may be made for a maximum of five years. Each grant recipient shall report annually to the office of the superintendent of public instruction on what transportation services are being used to assist students in accessing the program and how those services are being funded. Based on this information, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall compile a list of transportation service options being used and make that list available to all after-school program providers that were eligible for the community learning center program grants.
(5) To the extent that funding is available for this purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction may provide grants or other support for the training and professional development of community learning center staff, the activities of intermediary after-school organizations, and efforts to increase public awareness of the availability and benefits of after-school programs.
(6) Schools or school districts that receive a community learning center grant under this section may seek approval from the office of the superintendent of public instruction for flexibility to use a portion of their state transportation funds for the costs of transporting students to and from the community learning center program.
(7) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall evaluate program outcomes and report to the governor and the education committees of the legislature on the outcomes of the grants and make recommendations related to program modification, sustainability, and possible expansion. An interim report is due November 1, 2008. A final report is due December 1, 2009.

[ 2008 c 169 § 1; 2007 c 400 § 5.]

Captions not law—2007 c 400: See note following RCW 28A.150.210.