Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.210 - Health—Screening and Requirements.
28A.210.360 - Model policy on access to nutritious foods and developmentally appropriate exercise—School district policies.

RCW 28A.210.360
Model policy on access to nutritious foods and developmentally appropriate exercise—School district policies.

(1) Consistent with the essential academic learning requirements for health and fitness, including nutrition, the Washington state school directors' association, with the assistance of the office of the superintendent of public instruction, the department of health, and the Washington alliance for health, physical education, recreation and dance, shall convene an advisory committee to develop a model policy regarding access to nutritious foods, opportunities for developmentally appropriate exercise, and accurate information related to these topics. The policy shall address the nutritional content of foods and beverages, including fluoridated bottled water, sold or provided throughout the school day or sold in competition with the federal school breakfast and lunch program and the availability and quality of health, nutrition, and physical education and fitness curriculum. The model policy should include the development of a physical education and fitness curriculum for students. For middle school students, physical education and fitness curriculum means a daily period of physical activity, a minimum of twenty minutes of which is aerobic activity in the student's target heart rate zone, which includes instruction and practice in basic movement and fine motor skills, progressive physical fitness, athletic conditioning, and nutrition and wellness instruction through age-appropriate activities.
(2) The school directors' association shall submit the model policy and recommendations on the related issues, along with a recommendation for local adoption, to the governor and the legislature and shall post the model policy on its website by January 1, 2005.
(3) Each district's board of directors shall establish its own policy by August 1, 2005.

[ 2004 c 138 § 2.]

Findings—2004 c 138: "(1) The legislature finds:
(a) Childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in Washington and throughout the nation. Nearly one in five Washington adolescents in grades nine through twelve were recently found to be either overweight or at risk of being overweight;
(b) Overweight and obese children are at higher risk for developing severe long-term health problems, including but not limited to Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and certain cancers;
(c) Overweight youth also are often affected by discrimination, psychological stress, and low self-esteem;
(d) Obesity and subsequent diseases are largely preventable through diet and regular physical activity;
(e) A child who has eaten a well-balanced meal and is healthy is more likely to be prepared to learn in the classroom;
(f) Encouraging adolescents to adopt healthy lifelong eating habits can increase their productivity and reduce their risk of dying prematurely;
(g) Frequent eating of carbohydrate-rich foods or drinking sweet liquids throughout the day increases a child's risk for dental decay, the most common chronic childhood disease;
(h) Schools are a logical place to address the issue of obesity in children and adolescents; and
(i) Increased emphasis on physical activity at all grade levels is essential to enhancing the well-being of Washington's youth.
(2) While the United States department of agriculture regulates the nutritional content of meals sold in schools under its school breakfast and lunch program, limited standards are in place to regulate "competitive foods," which may be high in added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat content. However, the United States department of agriculture does call for states and local entities to add restrictions on competitive foods, as necessary." [ 2004 c 138 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.210 - Health—Screening and Requirements.

28A.210.010 - Contagious diseases, limiting contact—Rules.

28A.210.020 - Visual and auditory screening of pupils—Rules.

28A.210.030 - Visual and auditory screening of pupils—Record of screening—Forwarding of records, recommendations and data.

28A.210.040 - Visual and auditory screening of pupils—Access to rules, records, and forms.

28A.210.045 - Speech-language pathology services—Complaints.

28A.210.060 - Immunization program—Purpose.

28A.210.070 - Immunization program—Definitions.

28A.210.080 - Immunization program—Attendance of child conditioned upon presentation of alternative proofs—Information regarding meningococcal disease—Information regarding human papillomavirus disease.

28A.210.090 - Immunization program—Exemptions.

28A.210.100 - Immunization program—Source of immunizations—Written records.

28A.210.110 - Immunization program—Administrator's duties upon receipt of proof of immunization or certification of exemption.

28A.210.120 - Immunization program—Prohibiting child's presence—Notice to parent, guardian, or adult in loco parentis.

28A.210.130 - Immunization program—Superintendent of public instruction to provide information.

28A.210.140 - Immunization program—State board of health rules, contents.

28A.210.150 - Immunization program—Superintendent of public instruction by rule to adopt procedures for verifying records.

28A.210.160 - Immunization program—Rules.

28A.210.170 - Immunization program—Department of social and health services' rules, contents.

28A.210.255 - Provision of health services in public and private schools—Employee job description.

28A.210.260 - Public and private schools—Administration of medication—Conditions.

28A.210.270 - Public and private schools—Administration of medication—Immunity from liability—Discontinuance, procedure.

28A.210.275 - Administration of medications by employees not licensed under chapter 18.79 RCW—Requirements—Immunity from liability.

28A.210.278 - Topical sunscreen products—Sun safety guidelines.

28A.210.280 - Catheterization of public and private school students.

28A.210.290 - Catheterization of public and private school students—Immunity from liability.

28A.210.300 - School physician or school nurse may be employed.

28A.210.305 - Registered nurse or advanced registered nurse practitioner—Duties relating to nursing care of students—Notice to school districts.

28A.210.310 - Prohibition on use of tobacco products on school property.

28A.210.320 - Children with life-threatening health conditions—Medication or treatment orders—Rules.

28A.210.325 - Medical use of cannabis-infused products—Administration by parent or guardian—School districts to develop policies.

28A.210.330 - Students with diabetes—Individual health plans—Designation of professional to consult and coordinate with parents and health care provider—Training and supervision of school district personnel.

28A.210.340 - Students with diabetes—Adoption of policy for inservice training for school staff.

28A.210.350 - Students with diabetes or epilepsy or other seizure disorders—Compliance with individual health plan—Immunity.

28A.210.355 - Students with epilepsy or other seizure disorders—Individual health plans—Designation of professional to consult and coordinate with parents and health care provider—Training and supervision of school district personnel—Parent-designate...

28A.210.360 - Model policy on access to nutritious foods and developmentally appropriate exercise—School district policies.

28A.210.365 - Food choice, physical activity, childhood fitness—Minimum standards—District waiver or exemption policy.

28A.210.370 - Students with asthma.

28A.210.375 - Student health insurance information—Pilot project—Reports.

28A.210.380 - Anaphylaxis—Policy guidelines—Procedures—Reports.

28A.210.383 - Epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens)—School supply—Use.

28A.210.385 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.210.390 - Opioid overdose reversal medication—Standing order—Administration.

28A.210.395 - Opioid overdose reversal medication—Policy guidelines and treatment requirements—Grant program.

28A.210.400 - Suicide prevention—Identification cards.

28A.210.410 - Lead contamination at drinking water outlets.

28A.210.420 - Menstrual hygiene products.