Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.175 - Dropout Prevention, Intervention, and Retrieval System.
28A.175.110 - Statewide dropout reengagement program—Model interlocal agreement and model contract—Students considered regularly enrolled in district.

RCW 28A.175.110
Statewide dropout reengagement program—Model interlocal agreement and model contract—Students considered regularly enrolled in district.

(1) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall develop a model interlocal agreement and a model contract for the dropout reengagement system.
(2) The model interlocal agreement and contract shall, at a minimum, address the following:
(a) Responsibilities for identification, referral, and enrollment of eligible students;
(b) Instruction and services to be provided by a dropout reengagement program, as specified under RCW 28A.175.105;
(c) Responsibilities for data collection and reporting, including student transcripts and data required for the statewide student information system;
(d) Administration of the high school statewide student assessments;
(e) Uniform financial reimbursement rates per full-time equivalent eligible student enrolled in a dropout reengagement program, calculated and allocated as a statewide annual average of the basic education allocations generated under RCW 28A.150.260 for nonvocational students and including enhancements for vocational students where eligible students are enrolled in vocational courses in a program, and allowing for a uniform administrative fee to be retained by the district;
(f) Responsibilities for provision of special education or related services for eligible students with disabilities who have an individualized education program;
(g) Responsibilities for necessary accommodations and plans for students qualifying under section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973;
(h) Minimum instructional staffing ratios for dropout reengagement programs offered by community-based organizations, which are not required to be the same as for other basic education programs in school districts; and
(i) Performance measures that must be reported to the office of the superintendent of public instruction in a common format for purposes of accountability, including longitudinal monitoring of student progress and postsecondary education and employment.
(3) Eligible students enrolled in a dropout reengagement program under RCW 28A.175.100, 28A.175.105, and this section are considered regularly enrolled students of the school district in which they are enrolled, except that the students shall not be included in the school district's enrollment for purposes of calculating compliance with RCW 28A.150.100.

[ 2010 c 20 § 4.]

Intent—2010 c 20: See note following RCW 28A.175.100.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.175 - Dropout Prevention, Intervention, and Retrieval System.

28A.175.010 - Educational progress information—Reporting requirements—Rules—Reports to legislature—Annual estimate of savings.

28A.175.025 - Building bridges program—Grants.

28A.175.035 - Grants—Criteria and requirements—Data collection—Third-party evaluator—Report.

28A.175.045 - Grant awards—Recipients.

28A.175.055 - Grant awards—Eligibility.

28A.175.065 - Duties of educational service districts—Collaboration with workforce development councils.

28A.175.074 - Definitions.

28A.175.075 - Advisory committee—Composition—Duties—Reports.

28A.175.100 - Statewide dropout reengagement program.

28A.175.105 - Statewide dropout reengagement program—Definitions.

28A.175.110 - Statewide dropout reengagement program—Model interlocal agreement and model contract—Students considered regularly enrolled in district.

28A.175.115 - Statewide dropout reengagement program—Rules.

28A.175.120 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.175.130 - Pay for actual student success (PASS) program—Created—Finding—Collaboration.

28A.175.135 - PASS program—Allocation of funds.

28A.175.140 - PASS program—Duties of superintendent of public instruction.

28A.175.145 - PASS program—Awards.

28A.175.150 - PASS program—Graduation coach.

28A.175.155 - PASS program—High school completion account.

28A.175.160 - PASS program—Information regarding funds and awards—Development of strategies for dropout prevention and reengagement programs, planning, and improvement.