Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 27.34 - State Historical Societies—Historic Preservation.
27.34.370 - Women's history consortium—Responsibilities of board of advisors.

RCW 27.34.370
Women's history consortium—Responsibilities of board of advisors.

Key responsibilities of the board of advisors include:
(1) Organizational and fiscal planning, management, and oversight;
(2) Adopting criteria and procedures for consortium membership and member responsibilities;
(3) Identifying short-term and long-term priorities of the consortium, with special emphasis on short-term priorities relating to preserving historical information from the last several decades before it is lost;
(4) Appointing special committees and task forces including people from consortium members and nonmembers to assist with the consortium's tasks; and
(5) Developing recommendations for statewide commemoration of the centennial of the adoption in 1910 of the fifth amendment to the Washington state Constitution, guaranteeing women's suffrage.

[ 2005 c 391 § 4.]

Finding—Intent—2005 c 391: See note following RCW 27.34.360.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 27 - Libraries, Museums, and Historical Activities

Chapter 27.34 - State Historical Societies—Historic Preservation.

27.34.010 - Purpose.

27.34.020 - Definitions.

27.34.060 - State historical societies—Budget requests.

27.34.070 - State historical societies—Powers and duties—Rules.

27.34.075 - Educational publications printing.

27.34.080 - State historical societies—Appointment of directors—Removal.

27.34.200 - Archaeology and historic preservation—Legislative declaration.

27.34.220 - Director—Powers.

27.34.230 - Director—Duties.

27.34.240 - Apportionment of grants.

27.34.250 - Advisory council on historic preservation—Members.

27.34.260 - Advisory council—Compensation and reimbursement of members.

27.34.270 - Advisory council—Duties.

27.34.280 - Advisory council, heritage council—Financial and administrative services.

27.34.330 - Heritage capital projects—Proposals for funding—Prioritized list.

27.34.350 - Governor's award for excellence in teaching history.

27.34.360 - Women's history consortium—Created—Washington state historical society as managing agency.

27.34.365 - Women's history consortium—Board of advisors.

27.34.370 - Women's history consortium—Responsibilities of board of advisors.

27.34.375 - Women's history consortium—Responsibilities.

27.34.380 - Women's history consortium—Report to the legislature.

27.34.390 - Vancouver national historic reserve.

27.34.395 - Vancouver national historic reserve—Designated partner representative—Duties of Washington state historical society.

27.34.400 - Heritage barn preservation program.

27.34.410 - Heritage barn preservation fund.

27.34.415 - Cemeteries—Burial sites—Centralized database.

27.34.420 - Washington state historic cemetery preservation capital grant program.

27.34.900 - Historic Lord mansion.

27.34.906 - Pickett House—In trust—Reverter.

27.34.910 - Effective date—1983 c 91.

27.34.916 - Effective date—1993 c 101.