Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 26.16 - Rights and Liabilities—Community Property.
26.16.220 - Quasi-community property defined.

RCW 26.16.220
Quasi-community property defined.

(1) Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, as used in RCW 26.16.220 through 26.16.250 "quasi-community property" means all personal property wherever situated and all real property described in subsection (2) of this section that is not community property and that was heretofore or hereafter acquired:
(a) By the decedent while domiciled elsewhere and that would have been the community property of the decedent and of the decedent's surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner had the decedent been domiciled in this state at the time of its acquisition; or
(b) In derivation or in exchange for real or personal property, wherever situated, that would have been the community property of the decedent and his or her surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner if the decedent had been domiciled in this state at the time the original property was acquired.
(2) For purposes of this section, real property includes:
(a) Real property situated in this state;
(b) Real property situated outside this state if the law of the state where the real property is located provides that the law of the decedent's domicile at death shall govern the rights of the decedent's surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner to a share of such property; and
(c) Leasehold interests in real property described in (a) or (b) of this subsection.
(3) For purposes of this section, all legal presumptions and principles applicable to the proper characterization of property as community property under the laws and decisions of this state shall apply in determining whether property would have been the community property of the decedent and his or her surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section.

[ 2008 c 6 § 620; 1988 c 34 § 1; 1986 c 72 § 1.]

Part headings not law—Severability—2008 c 6: See RCW 26.60.900 and 26.60.901.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 26 - Domestic Relations

Chapter 26.16 - Rights and Liabilities—Community Property.

26.16.010 - Separate property of spouse.

26.16.020 - Separate property of domestic partner.

26.16.030 - Community property defined—Management and control.

26.16.040 - Community realty subject to liens, execution.

26.16.050 - Conveyances between spouses or domestic partners.

26.16.060 - Power of attorney between spouses or domestic partners.

26.16.070 - Powers of attorney as to separate estate.

26.16.080 - Execution of conveyance under power.

26.16.090 - Powers of attorney as to community estate.

26.16.095 - Purchaser of community real property protected by record title.

26.16.100 - Claim of spouse or domestic partner in community realty to be filed.

26.16.110 - Cloud on title—Removal.

26.16.120 - Agreements as to status.

26.16.125 - Custody of children.

26.16.140 - Earnings and accumulations of spouses or domestic partners living apart, minor children.

26.16.150 - Rights of married persons or domestic partners in general.

26.16.160 - Civil disabilities of wife abolished.

26.16.180 - Spouses or domestic partners may sue each other.

26.16.190 - Liability for acts of other spouse or other domestic partner.

26.16.200 - Debts incurred before marriage or domestic partnership—Separate debts—Child support obligation—Liability.

26.16.205 - Liability for family support—Support obligation of stepparent.

26.16.210 - Burden of proof in transactions between spouses or domestic partners.

26.16.220 - Quasi-community property defined.

26.16.230 - Quasi-community property—Disposition at death.

26.16.240 - Quasi-community property—Effect of lifetime transfers—Claims by surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner—Waiver.

26.16.250 - Quasi-community property—Characterization limited to determination of disposition at death—Waiver by written agreement.